標題: 新穎疊層式有機太陽能電池的開發
Novel Tandem Organic Solar Cells
作者: 陳方中
Chen Fang-Chung
關鍵字: 有機;光伏電池;疊層式;organic;photovoltaic devices;tandem
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 「新穎疊層式有機太陽能電池的開發」為藉由一個新穎之連結結構以疊層一小分子 光伏電池於另一高分子光伏電池而發展高效率有機太陽能電池之研究計劃,首先新穎之 連結結構將由氧化金屬的沉積製作完成;第二,小分子光伏電池的串聯電阻也將以有機 層厚度最佳化的方式而得;第三,藉由新的p 型及n 型材料的選擇,將進一步其次增加元 件的效率;最後,藉由小分子光伏電池細部元件結構的改良,也將改善元件的效率。
「Novel tandem organic solar cells」 is a research project to develop organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs) with high efficiency by stacking one small-molecule OPV on the other polymer OPV with a novel connecting structure. Firstly, the effective connecting structure will be created by deposition of metal oxides. Secondly, optimized thickness of the small-molecule OPV will be done to reduce the series resistance. Third, by choosing other pand n-type organic materials, the device efficiency will be enhanced. Finally, by changing the device structure of the small-molecule OPV, the efficiency is anticipated to be improved.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-ET-7009-001-ET
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88419
Appears in Collections:Research Plans