標題: U-Learning環境中資源管理、資料存取與評量策略之研發與應用-總計畫
Investigations and Applications of U-Learning Resource Management, Data Access and Assessment Strategies
作者: 曾憲雄
關鍵字: 無所不在的學習(u-learning);學習資源管理;數位學習標準;測驗與評量;資料存取與呈現技術;Ubiquitous Learning;Learning Resources Management;Digital Learning Standard;Assessment;Data Access and representation.
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 隨著資訊與通訊科技的快速發展,數位學習已從有線網路學習方式,演化至行動式學習(Mobile Learning, M-Learning) 模式,而兩者最大的差異僅在於學習的移動性(Mobility),因此,為了能根據學習者的當前學習情境,在考量到人、事、時、地、物(Who, How, When, Where, and What)的5種學習情境參數模式下,來提供學習者更多的學習功能與服務,目前,無所不在的學習模式(Ubiquitous Learning, U-Learning)(亦稱U化學習)已成為最新穎與前瞻的網路學習模式與研究議題。U-Learning的情境感知(Context-aware)特性,可利用具感應能力(Sensors)的無線通訊裝置,來隨時獲得學習者的狀態,以提供適當的協助(Assistance)、導引(Guidance)與服務(Service),因此,U化學習是移動性(Mobility)、情境感知(Context-aware)與學習服務(Learning Service) 三者兼具的學習模式。 然而,在U化學習模式中,如何有效的提供學習者無所不在與情境感知式的學習與服務,所面臨的問題,將遠比在傳統網路學習與行動學習環境中還要多,因為其所要處理的對象不再僅止於固定的資料與學習者,而是隨時皆在變動的空間、資料與學習者間的多維度關係。且如何有效的在教與學的過程中運用這樣的環境資源,是一個值得探討的問題。因此,在本計劃中,我們將整合學習理論、通訊、資料庫及人工智慧技術,來建立一個可支援u-learning環境的資源管理、資源存取與評量策略方法,並以國小自然與生活科技領域中,適合在戶外教學的課程部分來進行實驗,以實現整個U化環境的具體應用,此外,本計畫將利用所發展的教材標準與資源儲存庫系統架構來與國際標準接軌。本計劃共分為三個子計畫: .. 子計畫1-智慧型u-learning測驗與評量系統之建置與應用: 提出u-learning環境下的測驗與評量策略,包括u-learning環境中情境參數的定義,以及u化測驗(u-testing)與u化評量(u-Assessment)策略的制訂,並實際建置測驗與評量專家系統,運用在小學的科學教育課程中。子計畫1將依評量需求與結果來擷取子計畫2所管理之學習資源,並透過子計畫3來進行個人化的測驗與評量。 .. 子計畫2-u-learning環境中學習資源管理系統架構之研究與應用:提出u-learning環境下的資源管理技術與應用策略,包括標準化資料表示格式的規劃、學習活動、題庫、學習歷程管理系統的設計與應用、合作式學習執行環境的設計與應用,以及網路服務與儲存庫CORDRA互聯架構的分析與建置,以達與國際接軌之目標。子計畫2所發展的學習資源管理模組將提供給子計畫1與3使用。 .. 子計畫3-u-learning環境中資料存取與呈現技術之研究與應用:提出u-learning環境下的資料存取與平台建置技術,包括發展多媒體教材及測驗題目在不同行動學習載具的資料存取與呈現技術,以及u-learning學習平台的規劃與建置,以提供學習者在U化學習環境中進行合作學習(collaborative learning )。子計畫3將依據子計畫1所產生之評量策略來擷取子計畫2所管理學習資源。
With the rapid development of information and communication technology, digital learning has evolved into mobile learning mode, as knows as M-Learning, from e-learning mode. However, The most difference between e-learning and m-learning is mobility. Therefore, in order to provide learners with more learning services, the learning situation and its five parameters including Who, How, When, Where, and What have to be taken into consideration. Thus, the Ubiquitous learning, a.k.a U-Learning, has become a novel and advanced learning mode and research domain. The context aware capability of U-Learning can use the mobile device with sensors to acquire the status of learners for offering suitable assistance, guidance, and service. Accordingly, U-Learning is a novel learning mode with mobility, context aware, and learning service. However, in order to provide learners with the ubiquitous and context aware learning and service, more issues than the e-learning and m-learning mode are raised because the data we have to process can be represented as a multi-dimension table including various time, space, content, and learner information. In addition, how to efficiently make good use of this u-based environment to teach and learn is an important issue. Therefore, in this project, we will use the information theory, communication, database, and artificial intelligence technology to construct the u-learning based learning resource management, resource access, and assessment strategy approaches. Moreover, the outdoor courses in nature and science subject of elementary school will be used to perform the experiment for application and evaluation. Furthermore, this project will use the developed teaching material standard and system framework of learning resources repository to connect with the international standard. This project includes three subprojects described as follows: .. Subproject 1-Development and applications of an intelligent tesing and assessment system in u-learning environment: propose the u-learning based test and assessment strategies, including definitions of situation parameters in the u-learning mode, u-testing, and u-assessment. In addition, we will implement the test and assessment expert system and apply the outdoor courses in nature and science subject of elementary school to perform the experiment. Subproject 1 will acquire the learning resources from subproject 2 according to the assessment requirement and perform the personalized test and assessment by means of the resource representation approach in subproject 3. .. Subproject 2-Research and applications of a framework of learning resource management system in u-learning environment: propose the u-learning based learning resource management approaches and application strategies, including the definition of standardized data representation format, implementation of learning activity, test item bank, and learning portfolio management systems, development of collaborative learning run time environment, and implementation of interoperability framework of web services and CORDRA. The learning resource management modules in subproject 2 will be used by subproject 1 and 3. .. Subproject 3-Research and applications of ubiquitous content access and representation in u-learning environments: propose the data access and representation approaches of multimedia learning contents and test items executed on diverse mobile devices. Moreover, we will design and implement a u-learning based platform to perform the collaborative learning in u-learning environment. Subproject 3 will access the learning resources in subproject 2 according to the assessment strategies in subproject 1.
官方說明文件#: NSC95-2520-S008-013-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88448


  1. 952520S008013MY3(第1年).PDF
  2. 952520S008013MY3(第2年).PDF
  3. 952520S008013MY3(第3年).PDF

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