標題: 我國運輸需求與行為之性別研究
Gender Study in Transportation Demand and Behavior
作者: 張新立
關鍵字: 運輸需求;交通行為;車輛擁有與使用;性別;Transportation demand;Travel behavior;Vehicle ownership andusage;Gender.
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 女性不但在先天條件上與男性有所差別(如體能),後天發展上也不盡相同(如角色 與責任)。隨著女性之教育程度提高、就業機率也越高、而交通旅次之需求也相對增加。 台灣地區過去之交通建設多未考量兩性在運輸需求與行為上之差異,導致許多交通設 施對女性之使用造成不便。本研究基於男女性在生理、心理、家庭角色扮演上之差異, 嘗試進行一項較為完整且深入之探索,以瞭解我國男、女兩性在旅運活動、運輸 需求、及交通運輸相關設施之使用上之異同, 藉以規劃良善設施並提供高 品質之運輸服務, 以滿足兩性在交通運輸上之需要, 創造滿足男女兩性之 平等交通環境。本研究除了探討男、女兩性在旅次需求之差異外,將進一步對男、 女兩性在交通環境之風險感認、運具選擇與影響因素、汽機車、公共運輸及自行車之 使用態度、依賴度及滿意度等議題進行研究。本研究擬以三年之時間對我國運輸需求 與使用特性進行性別之差異研究,期能借此機會為我國建立一套運輸需求與行為之性 別研究資料,以協助未來相關運輸設施與服務之建置。本研究第一年將透過問卷設計 與調查,協助瞭解男、女兩性在旅次需求及運具選擇之差異;第二年則針對男、女兩 性之汽車擁有及使用狀況進行問卷設計與調查,藉以瞭解兩性在車輛擁有及使用上之 差異;第三年則針對男、女在公共運輸、運輸相關設施、及自行車使用上的差異進行 研究。至於在研究方法之使用上,本研究將依研究問題之特性,透過問卷設計與調查 獲得所需之研究資料,並以合適之統計分析方法(如多變量分析技術、Rasch 量測方法、 存活理論、個體選擇理論等),探討不同性別族群,在活動型態、車輛型態選擇、對車 輛之依賴度、開車時之風險感認、公共運具滿意度、對公共運具犯罪之害怕程度、運 輸科技接受度、及自行車之使用等議題上之差異性。
Transportation professionals and policy makers have been ignored the different demand and behavior between male and female for a long time in Taiwan. Therefore the existing transportation system has not been considering the characteristics of female users. This is an original study trying to investigate the differences of travel activities, trip purposes, mode choice, risk perception, and transportation facility preference between the males and females. A conceptual framework describing the factors that affect different transportation demand and behavior between the males and females was first introduced. And a three years』 research proposal was then developed based on the issues raised by the conceptual framework. Through the questionnaire design and face-to-face interview, a set of valuable information was collected and used to explore the issues of interest. Several statistical approaches, including multivariate analysis technique, Rasch measurement, discrete choice model, survival theory, were applied to analyze and explore the difference of transportation demand behavior between the males and females. The study results of this research will provide a set of valuable information for evaluating the efficiency of government resource allocation and an appropriate transportation policy for constructing transportation facilities is also expected.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2629-E009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88471
Appears in Collections:Research Plans