標題: 先進大眾運輸系統(APTS)整體研究發展計畫---公車行車安全管理系統之規劃及示範計畫(II)
The Comprehensive Research and Development Projects for Advanced Transportation Systems in Taiwan---The Design and Implementation for Public Transit Safety Management Systems (II)
作者: 王晉元
Wang, Jin-Yuan
關鍵字: 大眾運輸;運輸安全;系統整合;Public Transportation;APTS;Transportation Safety
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本計畫主要探討如何結合ITS相關技術及運輸管理知識,來增進公車行車安全、減少意外事故發生或降低事故造成之衝擊,辦理期程分為二年期,第一期(94年)已針對可應用於提昇公車行車安全之相關技術進行研析,並整合有關技術提出車上單元設備之開發雛型,第二期(95年)將擇定合適車輛,佈設相關設備,進行公車行車安全管理系統示範計畫,驗證本計畫相關規劃之妥適性及成效,作為未來推廣應用之參據。本年度的工作項目為:(一)擇定合適車輛,佈設相關設備,進行公車行車安全管理系統示範計畫,驗證本研究相關規劃之妥適性及成效,作為未來推廣應用之參據,(二)對示範計畫進行績效評估,(三)評估建置成本最適回收方式(例如從效益直接回收、反映於公車票價、由政府補助建置等),(四)對於相關設備之採購及維運提出建議,(五)撰寫系統操作手冊,並辦理操作講習與技術移轉,(六)配合運研所需要,參加展覽及製作文宣。
This project focuses on issues regarding integration of ITS and transportation management technologies in order to improve the public transit safety. This is a two years?H?Hresearch project. In the first year(2005), this research has analyzed the technologies related to public transit safety improvement and developed a prototype of on-board integrated device. The tasks need to be accomplished in the second year(2006) include: (1) deployment of device on vehicles and conduct system demonstration, (2) system performance evaluation, (3) discussion of financial payback issues, (4) discussion of procurement issues, (5) technologies transfer, and (6) system promotion.
官方說明文件#: MOTC-IOT-95-MDB005
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/89598


  1. RRPG9502-0752-3170842.pdf
  2. RRPG95020752.pdf

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