標題: 大眾運輸車隊管理系統核心模組之規劃與建置
The Design and Implementation of Core Modules for Public Tranportation Fleet Management
作者: 王晉元
關鍵字: 大眾運輸;車隊管理;決策支援系統;Public Transit;Fleet Management;Decision Support System
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 先進大眾運輸系統(APTS)為政府近年大力推動的施政方向,期望透過APTS改善業者的營運效率與管理制度,進而提升大眾運輸系統的服務水準,以達到促進大眾運輸發展之目的。本研究主要目的在於輔助業者開發先進的車隊管理與派遣模組,讓客運業者在未來發展APTS的同時,能夠充分利用即時車輛定位之資訊,輔助其車隊管理與車輛派遣之工作,以提昇其營運效率進而提高服務品質,並希望藉由規劃與實際開發大眾運輸車隊管理系統核心模組,讓業者可以直接或經由少許修改即可加值應用,以達到加速推廣應用之目的。
APTS is a major task for Taiwan’s government toward a nation-wide intelligent transportation system. A successful implementation of APTS is expected to promote the usage of public transportation system. The main goal of this study is to help public transport companies develop the core modules of advanced fleet management and vehicle dispatching system so that the operations efficiency and effectiveness could be improved via having the positioning information of vehicles. We expect all the public transport companies could adopt this system with minor modification.
官方說明文件#: IOTMB8906
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93923


  1. RRPG89060046.pdf

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