標題: 召喚全球新農鄉:印尼農民聯盟(Serikat Petani Indonesia,SPI)研究
Struggling for Global New Ruralism: A Study of Serikat Petani Indonesia
作者: 蔡晏霖
tsai yen-ling
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究計劃追問農業議題重新躍升全球關鍵趨勢、以及農民運動重返全球環境運動主舞 台的現象,企圖理解此現象背後的政經文化脈絡及其相關跨國連帶的社會基礎,並以目 前擔任全球最重要社會運動組織「農民之路」La Via Campesina領導的印尼農運團體「印 尼農民聯盟」SPI為具體研究對象。 本研究企圖探究,為何來自南、北與貧、富,分屬 不同種族、國籍、性別與階級位置的人們,會在二十一世紀初的此刻不約而同地重新發 現並肯認糧食與農業的重要性與連結力量 ? 到底這些透過食物與農業所開展的跨 域、跨國、與跨階級串連如何發生與運作,而又是什麼樣的社會基礎提供了這些連結的 可能?本研究將以跨學科的人類學農民與環境研究為基礎,透過田野參與與行動研究法 嘗試回答此問題。本計畫將聚焦於 SPI 相關人員在本土與跨國議題、地方知識與普世 宣稱、草根成員與專業知識份子、合法與非法抗爭路線之間的多重譯介工作,企圖析辨 參與SPI與LVC全球化食農運動中跨域而多方、立場與利益殊異的不同行動者,同時關注 這些不同行動者之間針對特定環境計畫的偶遇性合作關係(contingent collaboration)。
The past decade witnesses the rise of new ruralist movements to reclaim and create new spaces and lifestyles around notions of food sovereignty, land justice and environmentalism both in the Globe North and the South. This includes slow life movements, urban agriculture, organic farming in the North, and the resurgence of farmers’ movement along with various urban-rural connection initiatives in the South. My research project proposes to study the above new ruralism and its volatile dynamics via the simultaneously grounded and trans-local activism of the Indonesian Peasants’ Union (Serikat Petani Indonesia). Being Indonesia’s largest peasants organization, SPI has also been the leading organization and global secretariat of La Via Campesina, the most important social movement in the world since 1993. This unique position provides a concrete lens through which one can study and appreciate the new alliances, transcultural encounters and contingent collaborations forged between people and organizations from across divergent geographical and sociopolitical positionings within Indonesia as well as inter-Asia and around the world. Proposed research methods include multi-sited fieldwork, participant observation, engaged ethnography, in-depth interview, and archival research.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2628-H009-002-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/90952
Appears in Collections:Research Plans