標題: 生體存有學初探(III)
Existentiality of the Bionic Being: A Preliminary Study (III)
作者: 李家沂
關鍵字: 生體;存有;空間;死亡;身體;自由;倫理;回憶;創傷;慾望;existentiality;the bionic being;space;spatiality;death;the body;subject;subjectivity;freedom;ethics;memory;trauma;desire;informetics;cybernetics;cyberspace;the Internet;bionics;cyborg;cyborgification;cyborginization
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本計劃將探索生體存有的樣態與意義,嘗試建立關於生體存有系統之學的初期模 式。生體(the bionic being)所指涉者,大約為人與生化或電子制控工學產物結成之複 合生命體(the human being of informatics, cybernetics, and bionics)。生體存有值得探討, 在於近年來資訊工學與生體工學的演進,直接或間接挑戰了對人的主體思考,並或許暗 示了主體不同的可能性。本計劃將以文化領域為基礎,關涉哲學及科技論述,以探尋生 體存有的意義結構。 整體研究而言,將以身體與空間、身體與死亡為兩大主軸,探詢主體與身體之勾連 互涉。就身體與空間而言,關切者在於內、外界限的對立、模稜或者潰解,及其所涵涉 之自我與他者、與對體或與象徵秩序的結構關係。就身體與死亡而言,關切者則為存有 與虛無、存有與不再存有,於時間譜線上的攝動軌跡,及其所涵涉之自由的意義與範疇。 計劃將以此階段完成之認識論為起點,介入生體與資訊工學領域,對其中推敲展現 不同的主體樣態及想像,與之詰問對話,檢視身體遭機械位元或基因化學符碼穿透後, 可能產生的變異與侷限。期能藉此建立生體存有的三軸雛形結構(空間、時間、生體), 並朝嚮導出具倫理向度的生體論述。 本計劃另一重要階段,將以生體存有的意義結構,對於生體與資訊工學相關之文化 再現,進行文本解讀。文本所含括者,為文學、電影、及數位藝術。再現所牽涉者,則 為意義的製程與構成。解讀所關心者,將以生體存有的系統之學,深入閱讀文本不斷再 現/重現之主題──回憶(時間)、創傷(空間)、慾望(身體)。據此探討生體存有之自 由向度的文化意義如何構成,及此一意義的製程將如何面對生體存有之倫理需求。
The proposed research project will study on the modality and meaning of the bionic existence, attempting to establish a preliminary mode to systemize the existentiality of the bionic being. The so-called bionic being mainly refers to a complex life form made of a combination of human beings and the technique of informetics, cybernetics, and bionics. The existentiality of the bionic being is worth our research efforts because the lately advancement and development of info-cybernetics and bionics have confronted and challenged our thinking of human subjectivity, even suggesting a different possibility in realizing the content of subjectivity. The proposed research project, therefore, will base on cultural studies to correlate itself with philosophical and sci-tech discourses in order to probe into the modality and meaning of the bionic existence. The project will make into two axes of thinking the dual relation of the body to space and death, questioning the connection of the subject to the body. What concern the body and space (or spatiality) are the antinomy, ambivalence, and/or disintegration between the inside and the outside, as well as the structural relation of self to the other and the symbolic order. What concern the body and death are the asymptotic traces on the curve of temporality that have been drawn by being and nothingness, being and non-being (or being-no-more), which will contribute to an understanding of the boundary and significance of freedom. The epistemological basis thus established by the two axes of thinking will serve a point of departure for the project to further its study on info-cybernetics and bionics. The imaginary and/or reified modality of subjectivity in those fields will be questioned and reflected upon to form a dialogical movement so that an examination of the limit and change of a body that has been incorporated, invaded, and/or interfered by the mechanic (or mechinic) and genetic-chemical codes can be made possible. It is hoped that a preliminary structure as systemized into the three coordinates of space, time, and the bionic being can thus grow and help build an ethic dimension of bionic discourse. Another equally important stage of the project will devote to a study on the production of the cultural meaning of the bionic existence. It will involve a textual and discursive reading of the cultural representation of info-cybernetics and bionics. The text in question will include literature, film, and digital art, whose representational nature concerns the mechanism and production of meaning. The reading at stake will found itself on the existentiality of the bionic being to thematize on some recurrent tenors--memory (temporality), trauma (spatiality), and desire (the body). How the cultural meaning of freedom of the bionic existence is produced and how this production will face the ethical requirements of the bionic being will be a major concern at this stage.
官方說明文件#: NSC93-2411-H009-023
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91100


  1. 932411H009023.pdf

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