標題: 我國頻譜管理體制與頻譜規劃之研究
A Study of Spectrum Management and Spectrum Planning in Taiwan
作者: 唐震寰
關鍵字: 頻譜管理系統;頻譜規畫;頻譜收回與分配;Spectrum Management System;Spectrum Planning;Spectrum Reallocation
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 交通部在為我國頻率之主管機關,為能使頻譜『管理透明化、分配制度化』,實有必要在頻譜管理體制與頻譜規劃上確實掌握國家未來無線電通訊之需求,以及國際發展的趨勢,俾能發揮頻譜之最大功效。本研究擬蒐集整理比較先進國家頻譜管理的政策,法規,組織架構,以及執行模式,作為我國頻譜管理體制與長期頻譜規畫之參考。
The Ministry of Transportation and Communicatio is the spectrum management authority in Taiwan. In order to make spectrum management effective and systematic, there must be well defined spectrum management policy, well coordinated organization and mechanism. This research shall reference the spectrum management policies of foreign countries, and propose to DGT a new organizational and hierarchical structure of spectrum management, as well a long term spectrum allocation plan.
官方說明文件#: MOTC-DGT-89-012
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91208


  1. rrpg89120051.pdf

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