標題: Study of release speeds and bacteria inhibiting capabilities of drug delivery membranes fabricated via electrospinning by observing bacteria growth curves
作者: Lin, Yao Nan
Chang, Kai Ming
Jeng, Shiang Cheng
Lin, Ping Yu
Hsu, Ray Quen
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
公開日期: 1-Mar-2011
摘要: The study found that biodegradable drug delivery membranes that were fabricated from Poly(a-L-alanine) (PLLA) and chlorhexidine (CHX)-gluconate via electrospinning could steadily and continuously inhibit the growth of bacteria. Bacterial growth curves were used to evaluate on a real-time basis the relationship between drug delivery speeds of the membranes and growth rates of bacteria in different phases. The results showed that PLLA/CHX (50:50 in terms of volume) drug delivery membranes could do what drug delivery systems can normally do. SEM morphology observations, FTIR, and Raman spectra analyses were conducted on the drug delivery membranes. This is the first study that confirms that biodegradable CHX delivery membranes fabricated via electrospinning are a rate-preprogrammed drug delivery system by comparing the growth curves of competent cell and plasmid inserted competent cell, bacteria that are of the same strain but grow at different speeds due to the insertion.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10856-011-4249-z
ISSN: 0957-4530
DOI: 10.1007/s10856-011-4249-z
Volume: 22
Issue: 3
起始頁: 571
結束頁: 577
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