Title: 高速鐵路供電系統在射頻(9K~1GHz)範圍內之電磁干擾量測與分析研究
Measurement and Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference EMI from High-Speed Railway Power Systems in the Frequency Range of 9K~1GHz
Authors: 唐震寰
Jenn-Hwan Tarng
Keywords: 高速鐵路系統;電磁干擾;電力系統;High-Speed Railway Systems;EMI;Electrical Power
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 為能因應未來高鐵系統在沿線可能產生之電磁干擾問題,未雨綢繆,應探討相關問題及干擾防護對策。本計劃將進行下列四項工作:(1)國內、外高鐵系統軌道兩側就電力頻率(40Hz至800Hz)及射頻頻率(9kHz至1GHz)進行實地電磁背景值量測;(2)實測數據之分析並與現有之規範值比較;(3)參考國內、外高鐵行經路線之量測值,分析並評估高鐵系統在對應頻率範圍內所產生之電磁影響;(4)提出國內高鐵沿線可能產生之電磁干擾,提出防護方法及其成本評估。高鐵局可使用這些相關數據或事實與相關廠商、單位溝通和協調,釐清干擾主因,避免日後之爭執或做好事先干擾防範規劃之工作。
To response properly the potential EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) problems caused by the High-Speed railway system in Taiwan, some previous studies and measurements are necessary. In this project, there are four major working items to be carried: (1) Measurements of electromagnetic background at domestic regions and in Japan areas. The measurement points are along the route of the high-speed railway system and the measured frequency covers two bands, 40 Hz-800 Hz and 9 kHz-1 GHz; (2) Analyze the measured data and compare it with the standard; (3) To estimate the potential EMI effects according to the measured data and the electromagnetic environment in our country; (4) Propose some protection methods to reduce or extinct the EMI effects and estimate the corresponding costs. With these measured data or analyzed results, our government can plan ahead and minimizes the EMI harmful effects.
Gov't Doc #: OTC-HSR-90-004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93033
Appears in Collections:Research Plans