標題: 反釣魚課程之教學策略: 以互動式社群回饋科技為例
Strategies to deliver anti-phishing courses: The case of using interactive feedback technologies to support social networking
作者: 孫之元
Sun Chih-Yuan
關鍵字: 反釣魚;互動式回饋科技;專注程度;學習動機;學習評估;anti-phishing;interactive feedback technology;engagement;motivation;assessment and evaluation
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究之目的為提升反釣魚教學素養之學習動機,並透過發展互動式社群回饋科技之教學活動,來分析不同教學策略在反釣魚教學課程中,對學生學習參與度、學習成效、學習動機、與教師教學等的影響。研究計畫是由2011年國科會計畫所做的研究延伸而來。2011年的研究檢視不同的電子投票表決工具和即時式教學策略對學生學習的影響。鑒於現有投票表決工具的限制,如:缺乏社群支持,本計畫決定開發一互動式社群回饋系統(Interactive Feedback System),以應用於反釣魚教學活動中。 透過APWG美國反釣魚工作小組報告,今年約有32.23百分比的台灣網路使用者遭受到網路釣魚的詐騙陷阱。在Cranor (2008)與Kumaraguru et al. (2007)的文獻分析中曾討論到,學習者直到自己或朋友有遇到過相關的釣魚攻擊,才會有意願想學習反釣魚相關知識,否則學習意願是不高的。因此在本研究中,為了透過同儕社群互動來突顯自己與朋友可能容易掉入哪些釣魚陷阱,來加強其學習動機,因而提出互動式社群回饋科技之教學活動。本研究預期成果希望除了能提出反釣魚學習動機的理論分析之外,更進一步希望能透過實證研究而提出有效可實行的教學策略來提升學習動機,讓大學生因為反釣魚網路安全素養的提升而避免掉入釣魚陷阱,進一步減少受害者數量。
The study is an extension of the 2011 NSC proposal (NSC100-2511-S-009-012), which investigated polling technologies and their influence on student engagement and faculty practice. In the 2011 study, Turning Technology’s product was chosen to implement the interactive learning environment with both electronic feedback devices and Web-based polling tools. Given the limitations of the existing tools, for example, lack of social networking support, this proposal seeks to develop an interactive feedback system to be used in an anti-phishing course and investigate the influence of using interactive feedback technologies on student engagement, faculty practice, student achievement of the anti-phishing course, and motivational factors. Phishing is a kind of attacks that criminals trick Internet users to provide their personal information. The victims of phishing attacks might not only have their identity thieved but also lose their assets. According to the APWG report (APWG: Crimeware and Phishing, 2011), up to 32.23 percent of Internet users in Taiwan got attack this year. Most seriously, the fact that Taiwan ranked third on the list of top ten malware infected countries in the second half of 2010 shows the importance of anti-phishing education in Taiwan. The number of victims resulted from phishing attacks increased in Taiwan recently. However, the training resource was not sufficient in Taiwan. Previous studies claimed that users are not interested in learning what and how to anti-phish until they get phished (Cranor, 2008; Kumaraguru et al., 2007). Therefore, the purpose of this proposal is to develop an interactive feedback system which enhances learners’ motivation to learn anti-phishing. At the end of this study, it is our hope to provide not only theoretical insight about the use of interactive feedback technologies, but also feasible strategies that would enhance learners’ motivation to learn anti-phishing so that college students can learn before they get phished and ultimately the number of the victims can be reduced.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2511-S009-010-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/94026
Appears in Collections:Research Plans