標題: 初探自我調整學習的作用機制—以比較專家與生手的科學文本閱讀與理解監測歷程為例
Exploring Mechanism of Self-Regulated Learning: a Preliminary Study on Novices’ and Experts’ Processes of Reading Science Texts and Metacomprehension
作者: 王嘉瑜
Wang Chia-Yu
關鍵字: 科學文本閱讀;自我調整學習;理解監測正確性;普通化學;Reading science texts;self-regulated learning;metacomprehension accuracy;general chemistry
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 近年來相關領域的研究結果指出,學習者的自我監測能力以及自我調整學習策略的運作 實為一複雜之機制。然而現今的研究多探討自我監測能力或自我調整學習策略的使用與學習 成就間的相關性,鮮少深入探討自我調整學習的作用機制和動態歷程。本計畫嘗試以科學文 本閱讀為情境,採質性研究取向,以放聲思考方式分析和比較學生專家與生手在閱讀理解過 程中的自我監測和自我調整學習歷程,藉此探討影響自我監測正確性的因素以及理解監測正 確性對自我調整學習歷程和學習成果之影響。研究結果除能驗證現有自我調整學習理論模 式,促進研究者對影響自我監測正確性的因素和自我調整作用機制之瞭解,亦有助於設計課 程和學習活動來協助學習者正確地監控學習歷程,提供所需的自我調整學習策略,進而提升 學習成效,有實務之價值。
It has shown that self-monitoring and self-regulation is a complex process. Most previous findings provided correlation evidence to address relationships among self-regulated learning and learning performance. Research that explores the dynamic mechanism of self-regulated learning is rare. The purpose of this study is to explore factors that influence university students’ metacomprehension accuracy and to examine how individual’s level of metacomprehension accuracy influences his or her subsequent self-regulated process and learning performance. This study will take a qualitative approach to explore and compare novices’ and experts’ processes of reading science texts and of metacomprehension. Findings of the study may provide empirical evidence to verify critical components of current self-regulated learning models. The findings also have implications for future research on self-regulated learning, as well as for development of instruction for improving learners’ ability of self-regulated learning.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2511-S009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/97678
Appears in Collections:Research Plans