標題: 高科技製程廢水之生態、遺傳及細胞毒性資料庫之建立,及新型快速毒性分析儀之研發
Assessment of Ecotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Cytotoxicity of High-Tech Industrial Effluent, and the Development of an Innovative Toxicity Analyzer
作者: 袁如馨
關鍵字: 半導體廢水;太陽光電廢水;生物急毒性;遺傳毒性;毒性鑑定評估;semiconductor wastewater;photovoltaic wastewater;acute toxicity;genotoxicity;toxicity identification evaluation (TIE)
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著台灣的高科技產業發展迅速,環境問題亦隨之而生,其中備受矚目的產業為半導體業及 太陽光電業。環保署於2010 年12 月15 日獨立針對光電廢水的排放進行管制,預計2012 年1 月 1 日開始實施,半導體業的管制隨後跟進,除了原有的管制項目外,新增了總毒性有機物(total toxicity organics, TTO)、銦(In)、鎵(Ga)、鉬(Mo)及生物急毒性(acute toxicity units, TUa),顯現出台 灣的高科技產業對於環境的衝擊漸漸受到重視。然台灣在高科技產業的相關毒性資料缺乏,致使 管制標準之設立備受爭議,故本計畫擬建立生態毒性(ecotoxicity)如水蚤靜水式試驗、鯉魚靜水式 試驗和斑馬魚胚胎毒性試驗、遺傳毒性(genotoxicity)如SOS/umu test 和彗星試驗(comet assay)及細 胞毒性(cytotoxicity)等六種毒性試驗方法,針對半導體業及太陽光電業製程廢水及出流水做毒性評 估,並利用毒性鑑定評估試驗(toxicity identification evaluation, TIE)結合實驗室自行配置之水樣, 找出製程廢水及出流水的毒性物質來源,建立高科技廢水專用的毒性資料庫,以利於後續毒性減 量之程序。然有鑒於生物毒性試驗方法本身較為耗時,操作程序繁複,生物或菌株需要長期的馴 養或培養,且送檢測費用昂貴,故本研究團隊擬研發”新型快速毒性分析儀”,能夠在短時間內利 用水質與毒性(TUa)的關聯性得知水樣的毒性,當作毒性試驗前之快速篩選工具,可減少檢測時間 及大量的費用。
The rapid growth of high-tech industry in Taiwan has brought serious environmental problems and the concern by the Government, especially in semiconductor and photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing. On Dec. 15, 2010, Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the new wastewater discharge standard for PV manufacturing, including Total Toxicity Organics (TTO, 1.37 mg/L), indium (In, 0.1 mg/L), gallium (Ga, 0.1 mg/L), molybdenum (Mo, 0.6 mg/L) and Acute Toxic Unit (TUa, 1.43). Since then, the relevancy of the discharge standard set by the Government has become the target of criticism due to the unclear and incomplete database over the toxicity of the high-tech industry effluent. Therefore, it is our intention to research and develop a relevant toxicity testing methods to evaluate the toxicity of high-tech industrial wastewater, including ecotoxicity tests such as Daphnia magna immobility test, Cyprinus carpio toxicity test, and zebrafish embryo toxicity test; genotoxicity tests such as SOS/umu test and comet assay; and cytotoxicity. In the lab, synthetic wastewater will be prepared to locate the source of toxicity by toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) method to establish a toxicity database of high-tech wastewater for the modification of manufacturing process. The last task of this research is to develop an innovative rapid toxicity analyzer which can sense the toxicity in a short time to replace the lengthy, expensive traditional methods.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2221-E009-067-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98226
Appears in Collections:Research Plans