標題: 臺灣國中小學生網路品德教育(e品德)研究
Research on E-Character Education (E-Ce) for Taiwan Elementary and Middle School Students
作者: 周倩
關鍵字: 正向心理學;美德與專長;網路倫理;Character strengths and virtues;Internet ethics;Positive psychology
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 現今的學生都生長在資訊時代,未來都會是資訊社會的公民。基於網際網路盛行之後伴隨而來的時代變遷,當代品德教育實踐的脈絡場域不同,再加上網路社會中有許多不當行為產生,使得傳統的品德教育也應與時俱進,需延伸至關照人在網際網路中所應遵守的德行。因此本計畫擬發展網路品德教育(e-Character Education,簡稱e-CE),來專門探討網路社會中所需遵循的德行教育。本計畫申請三年度計畫,第一年的主要研究在於先界定e品德教育的範疇,包括擬定e品德教育的意涵、核心價值與具體行為,同時也進行現況調查與需求分析,以了解e品德教育是推展的重點、核心價值具與另類概念。第二年則著手進行e品德教育的課程發展的工作,其中包括教材、教法和評鑑工具的開發。第三年則實際到中小學場域實施,並以行動研究持續改善課程。透過完整的現況調查、需求分析、課程發展、實地教學、檢討評鑑,將可使e品德教育落實在我國中小學學生身上。
Today’s students were born with the information technology and will become Net-citizens. Due to the need for cybernorms and many inappropriate conducts occur in Internet society, it is necessary to have new moral belief and standards to guide people’s behaviors on Internet. Traditional moral education should be expanded into Internet society to keep up with the trend of information age. This purpose of project is to develop e-character education (e-CE) to explore moral principles and conducts in Internet society. This project plans a three-year span. For the first year, the research will mainly concentrate on the scope of e-character education including the definition the meaning, core values and related behaviors, and the analyses of current situation, needs, and students’ alternative concepts. For the second year, curriculum development of e-character education will be the main focus. This phase includes the design and development of learning materials, teaching methods and evaluation tools for e-character education. For the third year, e-character education curriculum will be implemented in elementary and middle school classrooms and be evaluated by action research to systematically improve the quality of curriculum. Through the comprehensive investigation, needs analysis, curriculum development, teaching in authentic settings, and evaluation and review, e-character education can be realized and implemented to greatly benefit our Net-generation students.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2511-S009-002-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98290
Appears in Collections:Research Plans