標題: 「漢學」與近代日本政治思想的展開和越境──「同文」想像與亞洲主義、國族主義的興起──
“Kangaku” and the Development of Modern Japanese Political Thought, Transgression into China: the Imagination of “Doubun” and the Rise of Asianism and Nationalism
作者: 藍弘岳
Hung-Yueh Lan
關鍵字: 漢學;日本;中國;亞洲主義;國族主義;Kangaku” nationalism Asianism Japan China
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在日本政治思想史的研究領域中,從丸山真男以後的日本政治思想史研究一直主 要是從國族主義的發展、挫折到帝國主義的成長等方式來論述的。相對之,本研究則 欲更深入德川思想中之漢學傳統内部,以「同文」想像為媒介,從國族主義與亞洲主義 之並行發展與複雜的對抗又共生的關係來論述近代日本政治思想史。再者,本研究認 為共有「漢學」傳統的東亞各國在接受西方近現代思想之時,其歷史過程錯綜複雜而 緊密相聯,日本與中國的近現代思想並非各自在其國家彊界内,獨自受西洋衝撃之結 果,除與固有社會與文化的發展相關外,更與「文」(漢學)的媒介相關。故本研究欲 將日本的「漢學」、文學思想導入近代東亞政治思想史的分析中,將按1「漢學」、「同文」 想像與近代日本亞洲主義的發展、2「漢學」、「同文」想像與近代日本國族主義的發展、 3「同文」想像與亞洲主義、國族主義等政治思想越境至中國等三大區塊,來探究在東 亞漢文圏中以「文」為媒介所引發的思想連鎖。並且,探究兩個知識圏内部出現的亞 洲主義與國族主義思想的發展及兩者間之緊張關係。希望透過對上述問題的研究,能 重構近代日本政治思想史外,亦能進一歩釐清近現代東亞思想史的問題,以促進該領 域的成立與發展,並提供一些思考當代東亞問題的線索。
In the study of modern Japanese political thoughts, nationalism and the following development of Japanese imperialism and Asianism are the main concerns of many researchers. Japan’s development since the middle of the nineteenth century is usually summarized by the concept ‘westernization’; yet, such a perspective neglects the influence carried by indigenous traditions in the formation of modern Japan. The idea of modern Japanese nationalism and Asianism, in fact, relate to thoughts of the Edo-period, especially those concerning the Chinese-learning(“Kangaku” , 漢學) and the National-learning(“Kokugaku”,國學). All the leaders of the Meiji restoration in 1868 had a “Kangaku” education background, which strongly influenced their ideas. Since Japan and China shared the same tradition of “Kangaku” and therefore the imagination of “doubun”(sharing the Writing System “Kanji”,同文), the political concepts and texts translated by the Meiji intellectuals were spread into China, thus impacted the political thoughts of modern Chinese intellectuals. This project aims to introduce the knowledge of “Kangaku” as one of the contexts in the the history of political thoughts in modern East Asia. To begin with, I will focus on how the “Kangaku” and the imagination of “doubun” developed in the Edo and the Meiji-period, arguing its relevance with Asiaism. Then I will discuss how “Kokugaku” scholars criticized “Kangaku”, how they resisted the imagination of “doubun”, and how their thoughts carried more influences in the development of Japanese nationalism. I will also survey how the Meiji intellectuals made use of the knowledge of “Kangaku” to translate the concepts and texts of modern western political thoughts, especially on those of nation building. By doing so I will argue that the translated concepts of nationalism and Asianism, spreading from Japan into China, are affected by the tradition of “Kangaku” and the imagination of “doubun”. In short, this project intends to re-examine the tensions between the Asianism and nationalism developed in Japanese and Chinese intellectual/knowledge network; expecting to reconstruct the history of modern Japanese political thoughts, to clarify the unsolved issues in modern intellectual history in East Asia, and to provide some relevant clues for further thinking.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2410-H009-023
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98390


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