標題: 以資源基礎觀點分析華文網路新聞之競爭優勢
A Resource-Based Approach for Competitive Advantage among Chinese News Websites
作者: 黃靜蓉
Huang Jing-rong Soni
關鍵字: 網路新聞;入口網站;報紙;競爭;台灣;online news;portals;newspapers;competition;Taiwan
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 以報紙為主的新聞媒體一直是入口網站新聞頻道的內容提供者,然而大型入口網站的新聞頻道卻屢屢成為世界各國新聞網站排名的常勝軍。究竟專業新聞網站和入口網站的關係是一場零和遊戲還是一個雙贏聯盟?根據一份由台灣7,706位網路使用者填答的問卷顯示,多數入口網站新聞頻道(Yahoo!新聞除外)和專業新聞網站屬於非競爭關係。換句話說,入口網站新聞頻道的讀者較有可能前往專業新聞網站閱讀文章,反之亦然。這樣反直覺的發現激發出網路新聞之理論和實務的特殊意涵。
Newspapers worldwide often serve as content providers for news portals, but portals outperform most newspaper sites in audience share. Whether this is a zero-sum game or a win-win scenario deserves scholarly attention because the phenomenon constitutes a unique case of intra-media competition. Based on empirical data collected through a large-scale survey, this study systematically examines the delicate relationship among and between news portals and newspaper sites in Taiwan. The results document non-competitive relationships among most news sites, with the exception of Yahoo! News. Such counter-intuitive findings carry theoretical and strategic implications for the study and practice of online journalism.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2410-H009-040-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99030