標題: 科學傳播學程計畫[科傳人才培育]
Science Communication Program Proposal
作者: 蔡熊山
Tsai Hsiung-San
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本計畫邀請台灣大學、清華大學、陽明大學、中央大學、及台北大學等五 校參與,其目的在於經由科學傳播學程的規劃與相關課程之開授,並運用遠距與 網路教學平台的途徑,培育大學院校的科學傳播人才,使具備提供跨科學與人文 社會學門之傳播領域知識與實務經驗的能力。 本計畫之規劃以兩年為期,以交通大學為主播學校,透過課程開授、遠距 教學平台、發展師資群、運用與建立多媒體、學程法制化等途徑來推動,將規劃 六門基礎課程以及與實務融合的進階課程。課程方面採取選修方式,預計兩學年 內至少完成一次循環,一學年至少開設三門課程,並且將協調科學傳播製作機 構,提供實習機會,以落實科學傳播能力之培訓。 執行上將分四大部分:一;學程的規劃與課務行政的督導;二、課程教學 規劃與師資安排;三、實習設計與實習的安排;四、成效評估與成果展示。其中 第一、四項,由計畫總主持人負責協調辦理。第二、三項,由共同主持人負責協 調辦理。 本計畫參與之學校、課程之開授,師資之參與等在國內皆屬首創,預期經 由六校學生的參與選修,將可達成跨校合作、發展課學傳播學程、教師群及培育 科學傳播人才等多項目標。
University, National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming University, National Central University, and National Taipei University are listed as participants. The purpose of this program is to cultivate science communication expertise for bachelor students by planning science communication related courses, applying distant learning platforms, enabling students to possess knowledge in science and humanity integrated disciplines and also exercise communication practices. The program is set out for two years, with National Chiao Tung University as the host school. By opening courses, applying distant teaching platforms, developing teaching resources, constructing multimedia and legalizing the program, six basic courses and also more advanced ones in correspondent with real communication practices will be drawn up. The courses are scheduled to be repeated in a cycle of every two years. Each semester, at least three courses will be set up. Internship will be provided by coordination with science communication related production organizations to provide sufficient training in science communication. The execution of the program is consisted of four major parts: 1. Supervising program planning and administration 2. Arranging teaching materials and resources 3. Designing and arranging internships for students 4. Evaluations of results and feedbacks through presentations, seminars or meetings. The composition of participant schools, the outlines of the courses, and the teachers participated in this program will be a pioneer turning point in science communication discipline in Taiwan. Multiple goals in this program would be achieved by the participations of the students from the five schools.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2515-S009-002
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99170
Appears in Collections:Research Plans