標題: 蘭陽舞蹈團舞作資產數位典藏計畫 (II)
Lan Yang Dancers Digital Archives (II)
作者: 黃明居
Hwang Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 舞蹈數位典藏;蘭陽舞蹈團
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 蘭陽舞蹈團舞作資產數位典藏計畫 蘭陽舞蹈團於1966年由天主教蘭陽青年會創設於宜蘭,自1974年起突破經濟困境與國際政治打壓,多次出國巡演進行國民文化外交,為台灣貢獻甚鉅。蘭陽舞蹈團成立之初即以保存並發揚中華民族舞蹈為宗旨,並以藝術文化培養兒童建全人格,為台灣培植強壯的文創幼苗。蘭陽舞蹈團成立逾半世紀,擁有許多重要且極具社會歷史及藝術文化意義的文獻資料,是研究台灣舞蹈藝術發展及民俗舞蹈重要且不可或缺的寶物。 「蘭陽舞蹈團舞作資產數位典藏計畫」以兩年又五個月為期,本計畫延續 99年度計畫,將精選56齣經典舞作及芭蕾舞劇及中期、近期國內外巡演活動記錄相關資料進行數位典藏,並進行舞蹈團創辦人及資深團員的口述歷史錄製等。重點工作有: (1)蘭陽舞蹈團典藏品與文獻數位化;(2)後設資料修訂與編目;(3)「蘭陽舞蹈團舞作資產數位博物館」之擴充更新等。 99年度計畫預計將產出1千筆數位化資料,資料量預計約500GB,本期計畫執行完畢之後,預計將有2千筆重要文物典藏完成數位化,資料量預計達1,000GB。蘭陽舞蹈團數位典藏將可在文化傳承、教育推廣、學術研究、文化創意產值各方面發揮多層面的運用與加值。
Lan Yang Dance Troupe Digital Archive Lan Yang Dancers was founded by The Lan Yang Youth Catholic Center in Yi Lan, 1966 which had broken out of the economic and political crunches by making overseas circuit performances since 1974. The initial purposes of Lan Yang Dancers were to preserve and glorify the Chinese Folk dance and develop the character of children with artistic culture so that the seed of cultural creativity could be spread. Lan Yang Dancers has operated for over half century and possesses many important data with high social, historical, cultural, and artistic values which are the essential treasures for the studies on the development of dance in Taiwan and Chinese Folk dance. The Digital Archive Project of Creative Assets by Lan Yang Dancers was lengthened for 2 years and 5 months. The present project was the extension for the project in 2010 and will select 56 classic dancing programs, ballets, and circuit performances for digital archive. The narrative historical documents by the founder and senior members would also be collected. The major works included 1. Digitalizing the collections and documents archived by Lan Yang Dancers; 2. The post information re-editing and classifying; 3. The renewal and expanding of digital museum of creative assets by Lan Yang Dancer. The 2010 project was estimated to produce 1000 digitalized information and total data volume was estimated to be 500GB. After the present project is done, it is estimated to have 2000 important archives to be digitalized, and the total data volume will be 1000GB. The present project can add values and be utilized on cultural succession, educational promotion, academic research, and cultural innovation.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2631-H009-005
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99186