Title: | 運用眼球軌跡追蹤系統分析感性判定與視覺行為關係之研究 The Study of the Relationship between Kansei Measurement and VI Sual Activity by Using Eye Tracking System. |
Authors: | 莊明振 CHUANG MING-CHUEN 國立交通大學應用藝術研究所 |
Keywords: | 感性工學;眼球軌跡追蹤;感性量測;Kansei Engineering;Measure Emotion;Eye Tracking System |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 近年來,在設計研究領域中,感性工學一直是廣受注目的項目之一,其重要性無 非是因為此方式所發展的設計,不但能夠切合消費者的感性需求,還能夠提高在消費 市場上取得成功的可能性。然而感性工學的研究能否成功,往往取決於是否能有效掌 握消費者的感性,因此,如何正確的測量感性,成為了感性工學的一大課題。由許多 研究可知,常用的測量感性的方式包含了語意式的測量與非語意式測量。在語意式測 量中,最廣為使用的便是語意差異法(SD 法);在非語意式的測量方式方面,則有使用 動畫人物作為調查工具的產品感性測量表(PrEmo)。但無論使用的是語意差異法(SD 法) 與產品感性測量表(PrEmo),其結果都是已經過受測者思考反芻的。我們雖由此能夠得 知其心理行為,卻無法得知人類面對造型第一時間的感性。因此,本研究將以眼球軌 跡追蹤系統,直接觀察人類判定造型感性時的視覺行為,探索人類判定造型感性與視 覺動作之間的關係。探討在做感性評估時,不同感性的視覺行為模式有何不同。並嘗 試找出應用視覺行為的某些參數指標,作為客觀的感性量尺,本研究依樣本不同分為 三階段(年)四種類進行:第一階段為簡單平面造形與複雜平面造形實驗;第二階段為簡 單立體(產品)造形實驗;第三階段為複雜立體(產品)造形實驗。此三階段(年)之造形樣 本種類由簡單平面造性涵蓋至複雜造形立體產品,期望能夠完整的觀察視覺判定感性 時之現象。每一階段,雖樣本類型不同,但其研究步驟類似,首先收集樣本與意象形 容詞對,並以專家小組討論與SD 篩選有效樣本語形容詞,其後將進行眼動實驗與SD 實驗,觀察人類判定造型感性時,下列視覺行為特徵:1.注視點位置及次數2. 掃視與 注視時間3. 視線軌跡與長度4.視動向,並分析整理後,提出結論。進行第二階段時, 雖步驟大致相同,但將參考第一階段實驗結果,對實驗作微幅調整,而第三階段同樣 將參考前兩階段做調整。本研究企圖在感性工學研究中,有效使用眼動儀來測量,在 感性工學研究中領域中,發展較目前所知的語意式或非語意式的測量方式之外,更直 接的非語意測量方式,並嘗試發展以眼動儀測量感性的感性量尺。 Institute of Applied Arts, National Chiao Tung University Title:The Study of the Relationship between Kansei Measurement and Visual Activity by Using Eye Tracking System. Principal Investigator:Ming-Chuen Chuang Sponsor:National Science CouncilIn present years, kansei engineering becomes a well known and important subject of design study. Many products developed by using kansei engineering, have been proved to be successful in the market. Success of applying kansei engineering depends largely on proper measurement of Kansei. Thus, how to measure Kansei becomes a critical issue. There are several ways to measure Kansei of forms or products, such as the method of semantic differential and PrEmo. Although these methods are effective to measure Kansei, but the results are subjectively obtained by subjects’ self report; their accuracy and reliability are always doubted. This study tries to use the eye tracking system to record subjects’ visual activity when they are evaluating the Kansei image of some stimuli in the semantic differential experiment. For a comprehensive and systematic investigation, there are four phases in this 3-year research proposal, and each phase has different type of tested from to be studied. In order to include the most product forms that people will encounter in their daily life, the types of tested form in the four phases are from simple 2D (geometric figure) form, complicated 2D (product) form, simple 3D (product) form to complicated 3D (product) form. In each phase, we will recruit both male and female subjects with or without design training background to make semantic differential evaluation to the tested form samples with the selected images and use eye tracking system at the same time to record the accompanied visual activities. Then the parameters of the recorded visual activity will be analyzed and compared to the evaluated result of Kansei images to find out the relationship between them. In this way, we hope to identify some parameters of the recorded visual activity which can be used as objective indices for some Kansei measurements. Also, we hope to clarify some specific patterns of visual activity in evaluating some Kansei images which can guide designed in designing products with specific Kansei images. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC99-2410-H009-056-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99210 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2209461&docId=352910 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |