標題: 運用眼球軌跡追蹤系統分析感性判定與視覺行為關係
A Study of Relationship between Kansei Measurement and Vision Activity by Using Eye Tracking System.
作者: 范士誠
Fann, Shih-Cheng
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
Hsu, Chun-Cheng
關鍵字: 感性工學;感性評價;眼動追蹤;平面設計;產品設計;Kansei engineering;Kansei Evaluation;Eye tracking;Graphic design;Product Design
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 瞭解如何藉由造形設計引起消費者感受到特定的感性(Kansei),是設計研發的重點。探討消費者感性,近年來隨著科技的進步,如眼動實驗,成為瞭解受測者感性反應的一種客觀調查方式。由於同時進行眼動與感性評估不易, 所以過去多是造形與眼動之研究,或者造形與感性的對應關係研究,如此並無法得知人們在進行感性判斷時的眼球運動為何,因此本研究利用眼動儀探討觀者在進行不同感性的判斷過程中,觀者眼球運動的注視點是否有差異。 本研究以平面抽象造形與立體產品(椅子)造形為兩階段的實驗樣本,利用SD調查法搭配眼動實驗,對受測者進行感性判斷時的眼動實驗,並利用內容分析法,瞭解影響感性判斷的造形構成特徵。兩個階段的實驗結果發現:1. 造形的「愉悅性」( pleasure)比「喚起性」( arousal )更影響受測者的視覺注意力;受測者明顯地用更多視點評估造形是否符合認知中「不愉悅的」感性,亦即不愉悅的造形讓觀者花更多注視點進行感性判斷。2. 受測者在評估平面抽象造形與立體產品造形的感性時,其視覺注意力皆分佈於關鍵性構成特徵上,且對造形感性判斷的概念,並不會因平面抽象造形與立體產品造形有所影響。由此可知,為達成特定感性的造形設計,設計師應多加著墨於關鍵的造形構成特徵上。 眼動實驗可彌補主觀式評估的不足,本研究經由感性判斷的眼動實驗,分析觀者進行不同感性判斷時的眼動指標。藉由瞭解不同感性如何影響眼動行為,未來期望可用眼動指標預測人們對造形的感性判斷。本研究結果提供設計師由眼球軌跡追蹤系統,預測消費者對造形的感性,並瞭解人評價造形感性時的關鍵形態特徵,以靈活運用平面與立體的關鍵造形,設計出符合感性需求的產品。
Understanding how to induce specific kansei in consumers through the appearance of a product is a key aspect of design and development. The investigation of consumer kansei reactions through techniques such as eye tracking has recently been recognized as an objective survey method. However, because of the difficulties in simultaneously performing eye tracking and kansei analysis, most previous studies have focused on the relationship between product appearance and eye movement, or that between product appearance and corresponding kansei reaction, and studies on how eye movements correspond to specific kansei judgments are scarce. The present study thus used an eye tracker to observe the eye movements of participants while they were making various kansei judgments and determine whether there was any difference in the participants’ focal points. The present study utilized two-dimensional abstract forms and three-dimensional products (chairs) as samples for a two-stage experiment in which the semantic differential method was employed with eye tracking to record the participants’ eye movements while they made kansei judgments. The results were subsequently used in a content analysis to identify the appearance features that strongly affected kansei judgment. Through this experiment, the study made the following discoveries: (1) In terms of appearance, “pleasure” is more powerful than “arousal” at arresting visual attention; the participants paid significantly more visual attention while they were determining whether they felt “displeasure” about the appearance of a product. Therefore, an unpleasant appearance draws the eye of viewers more strongly because they are more inclined to make corresponding kansei judgments. (2) The participants were found to pay more visual attention to key composition features than other design aspects while assessing both the two-dimensional abstract forms or three-dimensional products, and the concepts the participants formed after making kansei judgments were not determined by whether the samples were two-dimensional abstract forms or three-dimensional objects. Therefore, if a specific kansei is to be achieved, designers should focus more on key composition features. Eye tracking can supplement the shortcomings of subjective assessment. By tracking eye movements while kansei judgments are being made, this study identified eye-movement indicators corresponding to various kansei judgments. In the future, these indicators will give an understanding of how different kansei judgments affect eye movements and are thus expected to be of assistance in the prediction of the kansei judgments of individuals. The results of this study can serve as reference for designers who wish to use eye trackers for predicting consumers’ kansei reactions to product appearance. This may help them identify the composition features that are crucial to such reactions in order to master the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional composition features in product designs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079742802