標題: 互動性電玩遊戲的使用與情緒管理效果之研究
Interactive Video Games and Emotion Mangement Effect
作者: 陳延昇
Chen Yen-Shen
關鍵字: 娛樂媒介;情緒管理;享樂;激越;實驗法;entertainment media;mood management;enjoyment;arousal;experiment design
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究以情緒激越程度與遊戲暴力內容的差異,檢視對體感電玩使用的情緒管理效果和享樂感之影響。採用2 (壓力和無聊情緒) X 2(拳擊和保齡球電玩遊戲) 的二因子實驗設計,共有151名受測者參與。研究結果顯示,體感電玩有情緒管理效果,但激越程度和遊戲類型對情緒管理效果沒有顯著影響。激越程度對享樂也沒有效果,僅暴力內容與享樂感有關聯。享樂感和情緒管理僅有低度關聯,主要受遊戲表現影響。性別因素對上述的情緒管理和享樂感效果沒有顯著影響。整體而言,情緒管理理論中的刺激潛質論點並未被證實;暴力內容的電玩能提升享樂感;男女玩家沒有差異。
This study examines the impacts of two independent variables; the arousal levels of emotions and violence content in video games, on players‘mood (emotion) management effect and perception of enjoyment. With a 2(stress and boredom)X 2 (Wii motion sensor boxing and bowling games) experimental design, 151 participants recruited, the results showed that 1) Overall, playing Wii video games which were viewed an interactively entertainment media had an mood management effect ; 2) No main effects of arousal levels of emotions and video games with/without violence on mood management effect were found.; 3) The factor of video game with/without violence significantly influenced the perception of enjoyment.; 4) Low positive correlation between enjoyment and mood management effect; 5) Gender difference on mood management and enjoyment was not significant.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2410-H009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99323


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