標題: SeC---結合雲端運算與感測網路之應用服務平台---子計畫一:SeC-Net結合雲端運算與感測網路之感測資料收集機制
Sec-Net---Efficient Sensing Data Collection Mechanism for Sensor-Enabled Cloud Services
作者: 曾煜棋
Tseng Yu-Chee
關鍵字: 雲端運算;資料匯集;資料壓縮;車載網路;無線通訊;無線感測網路;行動感測。;cloud computing;data aggregation;data compression;mobile sensing;vehicular ad-hoc network;wireless communication;wireless sensor network.
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 『雲端運算』是將運算能力、資料儲存、網路傳輸當做是一種服務,使用者 的資料及相關計算需求,存放在網路的『雲』之上,而不必依賴使用者的個人 電腦、筆記型電腦或手機等儲存裝置之中,只要在任何有網路的地方,都可以 存取並使用這項雲端服務。本子計畫一是藉由佈建於環境中之各項感測器,如 慣性元件(電子羅盤、三軸加速器、陀螺儀等)、環境元件(空氣、溫濕度等)、位 置追蹤元件(GPS、RF 訊號)、車載感測元件(連接OBD 之感測器、交通路況、 行車記錄器等)、智慧型手機上的各式感測元件,並利用ZigBee、3G、WiFi、 車載網路等,將資料以無線方式傳回後端雲端資料處理平台。藉由這些廣泛的 感測資料,許多商機及應用都會逐一出現。 這樣的環境裡充滿許多挑戰性的網路議題,這些感測器可能是固定式或移動 式的,感測的資料多元且異質,而感測的來源可能是個別或群體式(如車群、共 遊之車隊、持手機的社群朋友等),而雲端應用對感測資料的需求及解析度和時 空的關聯性也會隨時改變。此子計畫將探討這些資料收集與回傳之網路傳送機 制。在第一年之中,我們先探討固定式感測網路之雲端資料收集機制,考量資 料的時間與空間相關性,來建立多重解析度之資料壓縮與回傳機制,其可依雲 端平台之需求,將資料以最適當之大小,回傳至雲端平台。而在第二年之中, 我們將此議題延伸到車載或手機社群的感測網路上,同樣的也是考量資料的時 間與空間相關性,並結合無線傳輸之特性,建構一套依時間軸及空間軸相依性 而調適之資料壓縮模型。在第三年之中,我們將針對具特殊網路拓樸或具移動 性的感測網路(例如長鏈狀車載感測網路或向某處移動之人潮),探討資料之收 集與散佈機制,根據網路之拓樸或移動特性,設計適合之群組或分群機制,並 提出有效率之資料收集與散佈機制。經由本計畫,我們將建立自有之感測平台, 並配合整合型計畫開發各項雲端運算之應用,以展示sensor-enabled cloud services 之特色。
Cloud computing is a kind of Internet-based computing services. All of users' data can be stored into the cloud of the network instead of into their own devices, such personal computers, notebooks, or mobile phones. Hence, users can access their data and use the cloud computing services while Internet accessible. The goal of the subproject is to deploy some kinds of sensors in the environment to sense the environment and report all sensory data through wireless network (such as ZigBee, 3G, WiFi, VANET, etc.) to the cloud computing platform. There exists various challenging issues in such environment and we will discuss them in our three-year project. In the first year, we focus on the transmission mechanism of these sensing data in the static sensor network. We consider the spatial and temporal correlations of sensing data to provide a multi-resolution data compression mechanism. The data can be compressed into the suitable size and uploaded into the cloud platform. In the second year, we will extend it to the vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) or mobile phone sensor network. In the third year, we will focus on a special kind of network topology of mobile nodes (such as long-thin VANET). According to the characteristics of network topology and mobility, we will provide a clustering mechanism and an efficient data collection and distribution mechanism. To demonstrate the sensor-enabled cloud services, each cloud computing service of the main project will be established over our own sensing cloud platform.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2218-E009-014-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99330
Appears in Collections:Research Plans