標題: 整合個人健康管理之創新紓壓樂活服務體系(II)
A Novel LOHAS Living Service System with Personal Health Record Management (II)
作者: 林進燈
關鍵字: 遠距照護;醫療器材;個人健康管理平台;自主健康管理;健康顧問系統;雲端運算;紓壓樂活;睡眠品質監測;壓力檢測;Telecare;Medical Device;Personal Health Record;Personal Health Management Platform;Health Advisory System;Cloud Computing;LOHAS;Sleep Monitoring;Stress Examination.
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 知識經濟與高科技產業造成的『高壓力工作人口遞增』是台灣(尤其是新竹),也是全球已開發國家的社會結構變化趨勢。對科技人長期處於高壓力與低活動狀態,導致各種身心失能問題,進而影響生活品質。本整合型計畫主要建構一「整合個人健康管理之創新紓壓樂活服務體系」,提出整合醫療器材應用於企業員工身心健康與健康秘書服務,以達到紓壓樂活為目的,此計畫涵蓋五大研究方向:推廣情緒壓力健檢與健康秘書新創服務(子計畫一)、開發健康管理平台與自主健康管理套件(子計畫二)、結合雲端運算於自主健康顧問系統研發(子計畫三)、建置居家睡眠品質監測系統(子計畫四)、探討壓力檢測與生理機轉關聯性研究(子計畫五)。此計畫亦整合三大跨領域面向,從商業推廣遠距照護服務,科技研發創新醫材技術與基礎研究壓力生理機轉,循序漸進並階層式相輔相成,以達成本計畫之宗旨。透過本計畫之創新營運模式,結合醫療機構現有之服務渠道(竹北東元醫院),建立後送醫療服務網絡(台北醫學大學醫療體系),以新竹科學園區企業為Living Lab,落實成功營運模式,並在竹北生醫園區創造遠距照護產業群聚效應(Cluster Effects)。以利政府推動「智慧台灣」計畫,塑造台灣成為遠距醫療照護的全球領先典範。
Think globally and act locally. In Hsin-Chu, the high-stressed working populations have grown rapidly along with the development of high tech industry. These are common in the industrialized countries, Taiwan included. This population has been suffering different disabled situations. For high-stressed working people, they have been disabled by the stress and less active lifestyles due to the temporal and spatial compression caused by the demanding workload.This research project proposes to develop ’A Novel LOHAS Living Service System with Personal Health Record Management’ to alleviate their disabled situations and realized the LOHAS for high-stressed users. We integrate with the medical devices with the proposed LOHAS system and apply to the high-stress industrial employees whom the health secretaries will help to take care of their personal health management. This integration project contains the major five research directions as follows. Subproject 1 is to promote the application of pressure release and sleep quality coach. Subproject 2 is to develop home-based personal psychological health management kits. Subproject 3 is to integrate the cloud computing into the developed health advisory system. Subproject 4 is to construct an automatic sleep monitoring system in homecare. Subproject 5 is to explore the fundamental physiological mechanism of the stress sources. These five subprojects have covered the business promotion, the novel developments of the medical devices, and the fundamental studies as the three major phases. Each phase is under the hierarchical orders and can be complemented with each other to reach the final goal of the proposed LOHAS system. The proposal offered a ’Novel LOHAS Living Service System with Personal Health Record Management’ according to the tele-care program which government is promoted. This model can not only supply for high-stressed working population but also for remote districts people, elders and disabled, even the normal people as a health protector. It is believed that this project we are proposed will realize and popularize the model for alleviating the target populations’ disabled situations, enabling them to enjoy LOHAS.
官方說明文件#: NSC100-2321-B009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99407
Appears in Collections:Research Plans