標題: 以情境分析法探討 – 智慧醫療下遠距照護產業的趨勢與發展
Research on development and trend of telecare on the Smart health
作者: 徐佑東
Hsu, Yu-Tung
Yuan, Benjamin
關鍵字: 智慧醫療;遠距照護;物聯網;Smart Health;Telecare;IOT
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 自20 世紀中期,遠距照護服務為因應人口高齡化及疾病型態變化對社會造成之影響,而結合醫療服務、照顧服務及科技發展的福祉科技。目前台灣的資通訊產業非常發達,整體資通訊環境建設完備,有相當足夠能力發展遠距醫療照護體系。醫療的藍海應是以創造病人的最大價值為目的,而價值所指的是每一分錢所換得病人的健康結果。遠距照護是一項結合科技、通訊與醫療技術的照護模式,運用智慧醫療相關概念於遠距照護緊急救援技術,使被照顧者能在最緊急的時刻得到最佳的處理模式。
Telecare services in response to population aging and disease patternschange since the mid-20th century, the impact on the community, combinedwith medical services, care services and technology development in the well-being technology. Taiwan’s ICT industry is very developed, and complete construction of the overall ICT environment, quite capable of long-distance medical care system. Blue ocean of health care should be basedon the patient to create maximum value for the purpose of value within the meaning of every penny in exchange for the patient’s health outcomes.Telecare is a combination of technology, communications and medical caremodel, using the related concept of intelligent medical telecare emergencyrescue techniques, so that the caregivers can get the best treatment at the most critical moment.