DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLIN SHIR-KUANen_US
dc.description.abstract本整合型計畫是以創新混合式能量獵取系統之設計與實現為研究目標,包括三個子計畫:1. 創新混合式能量獵取系統之設計與實作;2. 創新微型發電機設計分析與實現;3. 呼拉圈式換能器之儲能電路設計與晶片實現。具體的工作目標整合電磁與壓電並用之創新複合式能量獵取系統之設計,除了實現複合式能量獵取系統外,呼啦效應與微小型電磁式發電機亦為主要的考量。子計畫一所設計實現之呼啦圈式動態轉換器可將直線型振動轉換為旋轉型類等速運動,之後由子計畫二設計實現之旋轉型微型發電機將機械動能轉換為類交流式電能,最後由子三發展實現針對類交流式電子信號所設計之高效能儲能電子電路,以有效儲存交流式電能。本計畫創新處在於使用呼啦圈式動態轉換器及旋轉型發電機,可有效將機械能轉換成電能,並搭配特殊設計之類交流式電子電路儲存電能,所達儲能預計為現有微小型能量獵取系統之數十倍。 本整合型計畫將以子計畫一所規劃的工作內容為中心,其他子計畫則作相關電路設計以及機構的配合,各子計畫依此流程規劃各自的計畫內容及進行步驟。本總計畫負責計畫管理包括:訂定總計畫系統架構、換能器與整流充電系統之整合,以確保成果以及配合未來可能之應用、協調訂定各子計畫的規格及介面、協助支援各子計畫間的行政及會計作業、安排所有參與人員至工研院及產業界參訪、辦理技術研討會及計畫進度檢討會、檢討掌握各子計畫的研究進度、成果、遭遇問題、協助各子計畫購買、管理共用之儀器設備、協助申請及管理智慧財產權。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis proposal plans to design and implement a hybrid energy scavenging system. The contains three sub-proposals, They are (1) Design and implementation of a hybrid energy scavenging system; (2) Design, analysis and implementation of a novel micro-generator; (3) Design and chip realization of a customized converter circuit for the system containing a hula-hoop motion transformer and a micro-generator. The objectives of this proposal are to combine the two different functions of energy scavenging devices: a hula-hoop and a piezo-system, in one hybrid energy scavenging system. In addition to realize this hybrid system, the main features of the proposal is the utilization of the hula-hoop motions and manufacture feasibility of the micro-generator. The hula hoop motion transformer proposed by the sub-proposal one first convert linear reciprocating vibrations to near constant speed rotation. The micro-generator proposed by sub-proposal two is then responsible for convert the energy of mechanical rotations to electrical energy in near- AC signals with higher efficiency than other existing micro- energy scavenger. The AC signals are then converted by the high-efficiency converter circuit designed and implemented by sub-proposal 3 to almost DC signals to be saved in a terminal energy reservoir; e.g., a battery. The novelty of the present proposal lies in the combined usage of a hula hoop motion transformer, a micro-generator and a customized converter circuit. This idea can efficiently convert the energy in irregular vibrations to electrical energy. The efficiency, based on preliminary calculation, could be up to ten times of those offered by the existing micro- energy scavenger. This proposal is centered around sub-proposal one; then the other two sub- proposals are responsible for energy conversion and saving. The jobs of this proposal includes: (1) fostering the total framework of the overall energy-scavenging system in order to ensure the effective results and future applicabilities of the proposed scavenger; (2) coordinating and interfacing the efforts specifications of the sub-proposals; (3) supporting administration and accounting of the sub-proposals; (4) arranging possible interaction with ITRI and industry; (5) organizing related seminars and meetings; (6) controlling progress, results, problem solving for each sub-proposal; (7) Purchasing and managing expensive equipments for all sub-parties; (8) applying and managing resulted patents.en_US
dc.subjectHybrid energy scavenging systemen_US
dc.subjectHula-hoop motion transformeren_US
dc.subjectEnergy transduceren_US
dc.subjectConverter circuiten_US
dc.titleDesign and Realization of an Innovative Micro-Transducer with High-Energy Densityen_US


  1. 972221E009085MY3(第1年).PDF
  2. 972221E009085MY3(第2年).PDF
  3. 972221E009085MY3(第3年).PDF

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