標題: 地方文化產業與社群意識的轉化:頭前溪流域客家聚落調查
Local cultural industries and transformation of ethnic consciousness: Investigation of Hakka communities in Tou-chien River area
作者: 呂欣怡
Lu Hsin-Yi
關鍵字: 地方文化產業;社區營造;社群意識;族群性;觀光人類學;客家;local cultural industries;place-making;ethnic movements;anthropology of tourism;cultural tourism
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究將地方文化產業設定為一種提供不同群體(包括客家vs非客家;當地人vs外地遊客)互動及相互理解彼此的族群性與地方性的文化場域。其外顯形式,是在這些複雜的族群關係及地方競爭中所形塑的。計劃以三年為期,研究區域界定在橫山鄉、芎林鄉、及竹東鎮。第一年的研究工作,從該區最為知名的觀光點內灣村開始普查橫山鄉的地方產業發展現況。第二年的工作計劃,預期將往上下游擴展,調查頭前溪中、上游流域的客家聚落及原民部落,正進行著的以社區產業及文化觀光為名、轉化在地的生態人文資源的各種生活實驗。希望深入探討這些新的文化形式如何做為社群意識轉化的具體呈現,以及如何影響在地居民的地方族群認同與族群界限。在三年的研究中,我們除了理論性的分析之外,也希望能從行動式的研究中與我們的研究對象一同思索、尋找有別於同質性的現代化模式的地方永續發展之道。
The term “local cultural industries” is defined as place-based economic activities that profit on the locality and cultural distinctiveness of the place. Since mid-1990s, many towns and villages in the Hakka region have begun to develop place-based cultural industries in the attempt to revitalize their local economies and reverse depopulation. In terms of John Urry (2001), this is a process in which the Hakka, once marginalized in Taiwan’s ethnic politics, reexamines its “material and semiotic resources,” and transforms its marginality into the primitive capital of its cultural enterprise. In the project proposed here, we will examines the thriving local cultural industries in the Hakka communities in Touchien River area as manifestation of the rising consciousness of Hakka ethnic identity. We apply the concept of “creative ethnicity” and view culture as a creative symbolic system. Local cultural industries, therefore, embody the aesthetic practice of a local community which utilizes its cultural creativity to enliven and redefine its communal identity as Hakka.
官方說明文件#: 99-0399-06-05-03-19
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99877


  1. RRPG99030422.pdf

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