標題: 應用TOC CCPM戰略與戰術圖快速改善多專案管理績效---個案研究
Using TOC CCPM Strategic and Tactics Tree to Rapidly Improve Mulit-Project Managment Performance---A Case Study
作者: 李榮貴
關鍵字: 制約理論;關鍵練專案管理方法;Theory of Constraintd;Critical Chain Project Managment
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 儘管眾多的學術論文已經證明限制理論的專案管理解決方案,在企業改善中得到顯著的改善績效,但是對於專案經理人來說,仍不免有以下質疑:一、限制理論的專案管理解決方案僅僅只是一種思維及概念性的邏輯,缺乏具體之執行細節及步驟;二、眾多的改善結果顯示,企業必須具備一定的專案管理基礎及架構,經歷一段不算短的時間之後才能獲得顯著的改善績效,如果缺乏這些專案管理技術及基礎架構,應用相同的解決方案是否依舊可以得到文獻所呈現之效果,快速的獲得顯著改善績效呢?針對第一點的質疑,Goldratt博士提出了限制理論的戰略及戰術樹圖,提供了具體執行步驟及說明,作為改善方案的指導方針及藍圖,但是至今仍缺乏實際案例的深入驗證、探討其可行性及有效性;針對第二點,除非透過真實的成功案例加以驗證,否則對於專案管理基礎架構不是很完善的企業,依舊會對此改善方案的導入心存猶豫及懷疑。 因此本研究計劃將以一個專案管理基礎不足的國內企業為對象,實際導入限制理論之專案管理解決方案—關鍵鏈專案管理系統,依照Goldratt所提出的戰略及戰術樹逐步的實施改善行動。本研究計畫希望達成以下之目標:一、驗證Goldratt博士所提出解決方案之細部執行細節-戰略戰術樹之可行性及有效性;二、具備良好的專案管理基礎、架構並不是導入限制理論改善工具的第一必要條件,希望在短期內獲得顯著的改善績效,應該優先建立可以穩定系統的機制,而不是使用各種改善手法到處進行改善;
Despite hundreds of reported accounts of successful Theory of Constraints (TOC) Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) implementations, project managers still raise two immediate concerns: (1) TOC CCPM solutions are conceptual only and lack solid implementation steps to effect the change. (2) A good project management foundation is a pre-requisite for CCPM implementation; building such a management foundation should be the priority. For the first concern, Goldratt developed Strategy and Tactics (S&T) trees to provide step-by-step guidance for effecting the change. However, other researchers have not extensively researched Goldratt’s approach and its effectiveness has not been empirically validated. Regarding the second concern, unless a successful case can disprove it, the concern will remain. Consequently, companies with a poor project management foundation will hesitate to adopt CCPM and miss significant improvement potentials. This research will study a company of Taiwan that, like most other Taiwan’s companies, lacked a good project management foundation. Nevertheless, the company will adopt Goldratt’s CCPM S&T tree and the related logic and implementation steps will be followed accordingly. The objectives of this case study are to validate that: (1) the logic of the CCPM S&T tree is robust and effective and (2) a good project management foundation is not a pre-requisite for implementing TOC CCPM. The key to achieving successful improvements is to adopt the right concepts, establishing mechanisms to stabilize the system first before kaizen (changing the processes to reduce variability and set-up time etc., which is the focus of Lean and 6 Sigma).
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2221-E009-115
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99892


  1. 992221E009115.PDF

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