DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHwang Ming-Jiuen_US
dc.description.abstract蘭陽舞蹈團舞作資產數位典藏計畫(I) 中文摘要 蘭陽舞蹈團於1966年發源自蘭陽平原,是台灣首支到義大利演出的表演團體,也是全球第一支在教宗御前獻藝的表演團體。四十三年來,獲得國內外高度的肯定及讚揚,共創作了一百五十餘支各類的舞作,訪問世界30餘國,演出逾千場次,並接受三位天主教教宗十度親見降福,是台灣最傑出的國民外交表演藝術團體。其作品包括展現優美文化風情的「江波舞影」、「迎親」及「哪吒」;充滿地方特色的「搶孤」、「跳月」及「山地舞」;氣勢磅礡的「擂鼓振軍威」及「鼓動蘭陽」以及意境優美的「孔雀林」、「雨過天青」及「極境」等。其舞者涵蓋國小到大學的在學學生,不同年齡層的舞者詮釋不同主題特色的舞蹈,讓觀眾欣賞到更為多樣寬廣的內容呈現,此為蘭陽舞蹈團最大的特色,也是讓觀眾為之著迷與喜愛的地方。歷年來,為台灣培育了無數優秀的人才。 創辦人密克琳神父自創立舞團就非常重視文獻的保存,成立圖書室,蒐藏四十多年來各項的表演資料,包括舞作劇本、樂譜、服裝、燈光道具、影片等,均有完善的整理,實為台灣舞蹈團的發展史。其珍貴的資料文獻,若能數位化並公諸於世,對於台灣舞蹈教育與研究甚至世界的舞蹈歷史均具有重大的意義與價值。有鑑於此,交通大學圖書館乃以過去協助雲門舞集與優人神鼓建置數位典藏的經驗與技術,邀請蘭陽舞蹈團提供其收藏之文獻與典藏品,在本計畫中建置數位化的蘭陽舞蹈團舞作資產典藏。 「蘭陽舞蹈團舞作資產數位典藏計畫」擬以兩年為期,本次計畫為第一期,將以蘭陽舞蹈團舞作系列為重點,精選出89支具代表性且跨不同世代的作品作為典藏內容,重點工作有: (1) 蘭陽舞蹈團典藏品與文獻的數位化;(2) 蘭陽舞蹈團典藏品與文獻之後設資料訂定與編目;(3) 「蘭陽舞蹈團舞作資產數位博物館」之建立等。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLan Yang Dance Troupe Digital Archive (I) [Abstract] The Lan Yang Dance Troupe was originated in Lan-Yang Plain in 1996. It is the first performance group of Taiwan which gave performances in Italy and also performed before the Pope. Over pasted 43 years, the Lan Yang Dance Troupe gained highly praise domestically and overseas. The Lan Yang Dance Troupe has created nearly 150 different types dances, made 30 international tours, performed more than thousand times and been received by three Popes 10 times which is the most outstandingly national diplomatic performance group. Pieces of the troupe include “Shadow Dancing Reflected in the Ripples of the River”, “Meeting the Bride” and “Nou Ja” which were inspired by the graceful Cultural; “Chiang-Ku”, “Dancing to the Moonlight” and “An Aboriginal Dance” with local feature; “A Roll of Drum Beats Call Forth Martial Valor” and “The Drum Dance of Lan Yang” with imposing manner; “The Peacock Forest”, “The Rainbow” and “Ji Jing” with graceful prospect, etc. One of the most engaging aspects about the troupe is that all the dancers are between the ages of 10 to 18, and each dance is performed by dancers of different age, thus gives the variety of dances to audience. Over the years, the troupe has trained myriad of dancers. The founder of the troupe, Father Gian Carlo Michelini thinks highly to preserve and transmit the richness of Taiwan's minority cultures from the beginning. He established library to collect complete scripts, music scores, costumes, stage properties and films of the past 40 years, and the collection is a well development history of Taiwan Dance Groups. In order to reveal these documents to the public, and to provide magnificent value to dance education and research of Taiwan or even to the dance history of the world, National Chiao Tung University invites the Lan Yang Dance Troupe to provide their precious documentations, based on the experience of Digital Archives Program with “Cloud Gate Dance Theatre” and “Utheatre”. “The Digital Archives Program of the Lan Yang Dance Troupe” plans to execute for two years. This project is at the first stage, and focuses on 89 representative pieces in different era of the Lan Yang Dance series. There are three key tasks are “Digitalization of the Lan Yang Dance Troupe”, “Making of catalog and metadata of the Lan Yang Dance Troupe” and “Digital assets library of the Lan Yang Dance Troupe”.en_US
dc.subjectDigital Archives of Danceen_US
dc.subjectLan Yang Dance Troupeen_US
dc.titleLan Yang Dancers Digital Archives (I)en_US


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