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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Nov-2004Accuracy of the EasyTouch blood glucose self-monitoring system: a study of 516 casesDai, KS; Tai, DY; Ho, P; Chen, CC; Peng, WC; Chen, ST; Hsu, CC; Liu, YP; Hsieh, HC; Yang, CC; Tsai, MC; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
22-Mar-2002Analyses of beta-lactoglobulin as a thermal marker in raw and commercially processed hulk using a native gel electrophoresis and circular dichroic spectrumChen, WL; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Aug-2004Antioxidant role of human haptoglobinTseng, CF; Lin, CC; Huang, HY; Liu, HC; Mao, SJT; 生醫工程研究所; Institute of Biomedical Engineering
17-Mar-2003beta-Lactoglobulin is a sensitive thermal maker in dry milk as identified by monoclonal antibody approachChen, WL; Huang, MT; Liu, HC; Li, CW; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-May-2005beta-Lactoglobulin is a thermal marker in processed milk as studied by electrophoresis and circular dichroic spectraChen, WL; Hwang, MT; Liau, CY; Ho, JC; Hong, KC; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
7-Mar-2006beta-lactoglobulin plays a provocative role in lymphocyte proliferationChen, WL; Liu, WT; Ko, LP; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
7-Mar-2006Cloning and expression of human haptoglobin subunits in Escherichia coli: The potential use of mini-haptoglobin as an antioxidantLai, IH; Tsai, TI; Lai, WY; Lin, HH; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Aug-2004Distinction between dry and raw milk using monoclonal antibodies prepared against dry milk proteinsChen, WL; Huang, MT; Liu, HC; Li, CW; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
17-Mar-2003Epidemiology of haptoglobin phenotypes in chronic diseasesCheng, TM; Pan, JP; Wang, JS; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
4-Feb-2005Epitope mapping of a monoclonal antibody specific to bovine dry milk - Involvement of residues 66-76 of strand D in thermal denatured beta-lactoglobulinSong, CY; Chen, WL; Yang, MC; Huang, JP; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Mar-2005An evaluation of clinical accuracy of the EasyTouch blood uric acid self-monitoring systemDai, KS; Tai, DY; Ho, P; Chen, CC; Peng, WC; Chen, ST; Hsu, CC; Liu, YP; Hsieh, HC; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Jun-2002Expression, characterization, and purification of recombinant porcine lactoferrin in Pichia pastorisWang, SH; Yang, TS; Lin, SM; Tsai, MS; Wu, SC; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
20-Mar-2002Expression, characterization, and purification of recombinant porcine lactoferrin in Pichia pastorisMao, SJT; Wang, SH; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
20-Mar-2002Expression, characterization, and purification of recombinant porcine lactoferrin in Pichia pastorisMao, SJT; Wang, SH; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Jun-2001Identification of Atractylodes plants in Chinese herbs and formulations by random amplified polymorphic DNAChen, KT; Su, YC; Lin, JG; Hsin, LH; Su, YP; Su, CH; Li, SY; Cheng, JH; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-May-2005The molecular mechanism of actinomycin D in preventing neointimal formation in rat carotid arteries after balloon injuryWu, CH; Pan, JS; Chang, WC; Hung, JS; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
24-Mar-2004Molecular properties of human haptoglobin as probed by monoclonal antibodiesMao, SJT; Yang, YT; Lai, SM; Wu, CF; Chang, TM; Tseng, CF; 生物科技學院; College of Biological Science and Technology
1-Mar-2006A novel conformation-dependent monoclonal antibody specific to the native structure of beta-lactoglobulin and its applicationChen, WL; Liu, WT; Yang, MC; Hwang, MT; Tsao, JH; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
28-Dec-2001The preventive effects of G115 on balloon injury-induced neointima formation in ratsWu, CH; Tsai, BR; Hsieh, WT; Chang, GY; Mao, SJT; Chang, WC; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-Feb-2004Purification of human haptoglobin 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2 using monoclonal antibody affinity chromatographyTseng, CF; Huang, HY; Yang, YT; Mao, SJT; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology