Title: 晶片系統國家型科技計畫研究成果產學橋接計畫(I)
Academic-Industry Bridging Project for National System-on-Chip Program(I)
Authors: 李鎮宜
Keywords: 產學橋接計畫;技術探勘;技術推廣;新創育成;國際合作;Academic-industry bridging project;SoC inventory;intellectual property transfer
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 計畫名稱: 晶片系統國家型科技計畫研發成果產學橋接計畫
Title: Academic-Industry Bridge Program for National System-on-Chip Program
The program is expected, through academic outstanding research and development ability, to provide the
industrial sector to gaze in the technology in front boosting, and to reduce the interval time of product development.
At the same time, with the internal and external SoC inventory of research and development from various national
SoC institutes, the project aims to analyze the future trend on SoC industry; establish the cooperation mechanism
between NSoC Program’s achievement and industry; mold the advantageous environment for academic-industrial
cooperation; activate the access among the industrial, academic and research sectors; and add market values on the
academic achievement.
This project is objected to penetrate a good communication platform, effectively upgrade the academic
research and development capacity, and conditionally transfer the SoC intellectual properties to the industry.
Importantly, the project may unify the individual merit of academy and industry to develop advanced technology
together. In addition, the penetration of feedback mechanism on the partial earning back coupling for the academic
unit shall form the positive cycle and create a standardized format of academic-industrial cooperation. The successful
result is expected to expand to the international academic-industrial cooperation, to strengthen nation-wide IC/SoC
R&D momentum, and to make a great impact on global high-tech market as well.
Gov't Doc #: NSC99-2220-E009-052
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100622
Appears in Collections:Research Plans