標題: 寬頻合作式無線多輸出入通訊系統---子計畫三:合作式多輸出入無線通訊之上行傳收器訊號處理技術研究(I)
Uplink Transceiver Signal Processing Technology for Cooperative MIMO Wireless Communication(I)
作者: 林大衛
關鍵字: 合作式多輸出入系統;中繼站;IEEE 802;16e/j/m;正交分頻多重進接;峰均功率比;同步;通道估計;訊號檢測;實作;Cooperative MIMO;Relay;IEEE 802;16e/j/m;OFDMA;Peak-to-AveragePower Ratio (PAPR);Synchronization;Channel Estimation;Signal Detection;Implementation
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 合作式多輸出入傳輸是無線通訊領域的新發展,它比其他形式的多輸出入傳輸(含 單用戶及多用戶多輸出入傳輸)可更大幅提升整體傳輸速率,且已有人在國際標準會議 中提議使用這類傳輸方式。本子計畫旨在研究合作式無線多輸出入通訊的上行訊號傳輸 技術,並進行相關之數位訊號處理器軟體實作。在系統架構上,我們將參考IEEE 802.16m 標準(仍在制定中)以及較早的802.16j(尚未定稿)與802.16e 標準。因此,所使用的調變 與進接方式為正交分頻多重進接(OFDMA)。此外,我們將考慮設有中繼站並採分時雙工 的系統。所研究的上行傳輸技術議題則包括訊框架構、峰均功率比控制技術、同步技術、 通道估計技術、以及訊號檢測技術等。本子計畫原規劃為三年期計畫,之前已獲核定一 年(2008 年8 月至2009 年7 月,執行中),現在申請延續二年。在本年中,我們除已對 多項傳輸技術展開研究外,並已開始部分技術的軟體實作。在本延續案的各年(共兩年) 中,除將繼續分項技術的研究,也將繼續從事分項技術的實作,最後完成所規劃的系統 實作。
Cooperative multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transmission is a new development in the area of wireless communication. It can improve the overall transmission rate more significantly than other types of MIMO transmission (including single-user MIMO and multiuser MIMO), and there have been recent proposals in international standards meetings to use this type of transmission. The aim of this subproject is to study the uplink transmission techniques for cooperative wireless MIMO communication as well as to conduct related digital signal processor (DSP) software implementation. In terms of system architecture, we will refer to the IEEE 802.16m standard (still in the making) and the earlier 802.16j (not yet finalized) and 802.16e standards. Therefore, the modulation and multiple access will be based on orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA). In addition, we will consider a system that employs relay stations and time-division duplex (TDD). The uplink transmission techniques considered include frame structure, peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) control, synchronization, channel estimation, and signal detection. This subproject has been planned for three years and has been awarded for one year (August 2008 to July 2009). The present application is for a two-year continuation. In the present year, in addition to researching into various transmission techniques, we have also begun software implementation of some techniques. In each year of the two-year continuation project, we will continue the research as well as the implementation work concerning the individual techniques, culminating in the completion of the planned system implementation at the end
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2219-E009-012
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100776