標題: 公路分隔帶開口設置準則之研究
Study of Criteria for Highway Median Openings
作者: 吳宗修
Woo Tzong-Shiou Hugh
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在道路幅員較寬的幹線道路上,為使交通順暢通常會設置道路交通島(亦稱劃分 島、分隔帶),交通島依設置地點之不同,包含有分隔帶、槽化島及圓環。其用 以區分方向、分隔快慢車輛或供行人穿越之臨時庇護使用。道路規劃為了提供汽 車迴轉、慢車及行人穿越,必須在分隔帶上設置開口,但任意地設置開口則會嚴 重影響車流之流暢度與安全性,增加對撞機會,容易造成致命性事故發生,因此 開口設置條件必須經過嚴謹安全考量後,訂定出一套符合交通安全之準則。為了 解決中央分隔帶開口設置問題,交通部公路總局曾經在民國92 年訂定了「省道 中央分隔帶開口設置要點」,目前國內民眾如欲申請分隔帶開口,其設置條件必 須符合此設置要點才得以辦理。相鄰分隔帶開口間距不得小於三百公尺,導致許 多民眾申請設置開口均被公路局駁回,但是經過實際測量卻發現,國內許多開口 間距也小於三百公尺,因此民眾屢屢對於公路總局所訂定要點之合理性提出質 疑,懷疑其公平性與適當性,認為分隔帶申請開口是否成功與其背後民意代表介 入有關,亦或是開口設置要點已不再適用。然而交通部公路總局所訂定之「省道 中央分隔帶開口設置要點」並無可靠之交通安全理論基礎,缺乏嚴謹地設置準 則,因此有必要深入探討公路分隔帶相關之設置條件、規則與標準,尋找適合台 灣現況之開口設置準則,以供政府相關部門參考之用。
For the smooth and efficient operation of highway traffic, medians are installed on the highway sections where its width is substantial. Highway median includes channelization islands and circles (roundabouts). The functions of highway median are to separate directional opposite flows and different modes of traffic at same direction. It also serves as a refuge for pedestrians who have difficulty to cross the highway in one signal phase. It is necessary to provide openings in the medians when there is a need for vehicle U-turn, and bicycle and pedestrian crossing. However, discretional openings of highway median may disrupt the operation and safety of traffic, increasing the likelihood of head-on collisions and fatal crashes. The current practice is to limit the opening beyond a 300-meter range. Nevertheless, it is not strictly observed. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a study to rationalize the criteria of setting opening for highway median for future practice.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2221-E009-107
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101011
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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