標題: 馬祖地區自來水管理制度之研究(1/2)
The system of water supply management in Matsu area (1/2)
作者: 黃志彬
Chih Pin Huang
關鍵字: 水處理;自來水廠;海淡廠;water treatment;water treatment plant;desalination plant
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 馬祖地區自來水面臨水源水質惡化、水場單元操作效能不彰,以及供水管網管理弱化等問題。另一方面,國內簡易自來水事業營運及業務管理仍有持續改善之空間。藉由本計畫之執行,以提供水利署針對馬祖地區自來水系統改善供水品質及穩定性之施政方針,同時協助水利署推動國內地方政府對簡易自來水業務自主管理之落實,以及提昇簡易自來水場之供水品質與穩定性。 本計畫為兩年研究計畫,將分別針對馬祖地區淨水場(勝利、儲水沃、?里、東湧及西莒)之最佳淨水處理技術進行現地評估,探討次氯酸鈉搭配二氧化氯之前氧化方式對提昇混沉移除藻類及鐵、錳之影響,並評估過濾單元之操作效能及反洗效率,依據評估結果編撰各座淨水場之淨水操作手冊,再輔以淨水場操作人員之培訓,以提昇淨水操作效能及供水品質。此外,本計畫將研提淨水場與海淡廠聯合供水運作最佳模式之建議,以供連江縣自來水廠穩定自來水水質及降低自來水供水成本之參考,並協助規劃連江縣自來水廠營運管理架構,以及進行管網圖資平台建置、圖資更新及系統維護。另一方面,本計畫將協助水利署各辦理4場次簡易自來水場淨水操作示範輔導及7場次簡易自來水管理業務輔導計畫,並協助簡易自來水系統薄膜過濾模組設備(IS Water)推廣工作。
In Matsu area, it has been proven that worsened source water, poor operational performance of unit in water treatment plant (WTP) and weak management in water supply system are the major problem for water supply management. On the other hand, the operation and management of small water treatment plants in Taiwan area still need to be improved. It is anticipated that the results of this project will give Water Resources Agent (WRA) a guiding principle to improve the quality of drinking water and stability of water supply in Matsu area. Meanwhile, this project will assist WRA in supervising the slef-management of small water treatment plants in each local government and improving the drinking water quality and stability of water supply. In this project, the optimum treatment technique for Lienchiang WTP, including Shengli, Chuishuiwo, Banli, Dongyong and Xiju waterworks, will be evaluated and the effect of chlorination with NaOCl and ClO2 on the improvement of the removal in algae, Fe and Mn by coagulation/sedimentation processes will be investigated. In addition, the operational performance and backwashing efficiency of filter will be studied. After that, the operational manual for each WTP will be edited, and a training program for unit operators will be conducted to improve the operational performance of WTP and the quality of drinking water. Furthermore, this project will provide a best mode for drinking water supply from WTP and desalination plant, which is a guideline for Lienchiang WTP to improve the stability of water supply and reduce the cost. The operation and management framework of Lienchiang WTP will be plotted, and a geographic information system (GIS) will be established. After that, the data of GIS will be update and the system will be maintained. On the other hand, this project will also assist WRA in implementing the demonstration of unit operation in four small water treatment plants and conducting inspection and guidance to seven local governments for the management of small water treatment plants. Finally, the membrane filtration module (IS Water) will be popularized.
官方說明文件#: MOEAWRA1030213
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101270
Appears in Collections:Research Plans