標題: 愉悅性魅力產品的情感設計要素之評估模式
Evaluation Model Towards Emotional Design Factors of Attractive & Pleasurable Products
作者: 莊明振
關鍵字: 愉悅性產品;魅力產品;情感設計要素;情緒評估工具;使用者特質;pleasurable products;attractive products;emotional design factors;emotionalmeasures;user's characters
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 由於本研究希望能針對產品情緒、產品造形的情感設計要素、使用者特質、及各種情緒評 估優劣,作一番全面的完整研究,故擬出預計「三年」完成的長期計畫。在本計畫中,研究目 的主要為下列五點:一、探討所謂的「愉悅性產品」本身的情感特徵,及它的情感設計構成要 素;二、探討所謂的「魅力產品」本身的情感特徵,及它的情感設計構成要素產品設計要素; 三、探討「愉悅性產品」和「魅力產品」的關聯性 ( 如二者是呈重疊關係、某種位移量關係, 或者完全沒有關係 ),進而提出本研究對「愉悅性魅力產品」的定義,及它的情感設計構成要 素;四、比較各種情緒評估工具與分析方法,期能建立最適用於探討使用者情緒的評估模式; 五、釐清不同特質的受測者 ( 族群 ) 是否對不同情緒評量方法所用的評估尺度,產生不同感覺 程度的認知差異,進而顯著影響其對於產品的各項情緒評估和感性評價 ( 包括感性、愉悅、美 感、滿意度與偏好等評價 )。最後,本計畫既然將產品的情感特徵與其情感設計要素視為最重 要的工作之一,所以在產品樣本的挑選上需要格外謹慎,因而選用情感豐富的產品類型作為實 驗樣本 ( 如汽車或Alessi 產品等 ),而且圖片樣本將是以電腦螢幕呈現,而非紙本列印,目的 是避免因指本列印品質不佳,導致使用者情緒評估的偏頗及實驗誤差。
This is an overall research in product emotions, including product emotions self, the emotional design factors, emotional differences from user』s characters, and the comparison between different emotional measures. Therefore, this study of 「three-year-proposal」 is well schemed. There are five objectives in this proposal: (1) To investigate the emotion of 「pleasurable products」 themselves, and their emotional design factors; (2) To investigate the emotion of 「attractive products」 themselves, and their emotional design factors; (3) The connections existed between the two products above, such as overlap, curved or linear displacement, or nothing; and further, the definition of the compound 「attractive and pleasurable」 products, including their emotional design factors; (4) Comparison between different emotional measures, and suggestion of the more adaptive manners about affective evaluation; (5) To investigate whether significant differences ( of emotional appraisals and of preferences ) resulting from user』s characters, including cognition, value, sex, age, education etc.. Moreover, it is carefully concerned about experimental stimulus (emotional products) picked out. Actually, this study might be failed if the user』s emotional responses can』t be aroused by the stimulus, which are lack of affective characteristic. Nevertheless, the abundant emotion products, like cars or Alessi goods are used to be the product stimulus. Lastly, to avoid accuracy (or biases) resulted from the quality of the photo stimulus, the product stimulus will be represented on monitor in place of printed.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2628-E009-023-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101286
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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