標題: 新構築理論模型及其對數位媒材適用性的初探
A Model of New Tectonics and Its Early Implications to Digital Media
作者: 劉育東
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 構築(tectonics)一直是建築領域中重要的論述主題與實作理論,知名理論家Kenneth Frampton 提
至稱「構築」為「構造的詩性」(the poetics of construction)。然而,在數位科技大量介入建築領
域的今日,古典與傳統的構築觀念也開始演變。Mitchell 提出「反構築」(anti-tectonics) 的概念
來擴大數位時代的構築定義,Cook 以材料史觀來討論「數位構築」(digital tectonics) 的角色,
Leach 檢視完工的數位名作後,針對數位媒材作為形體衍生的操作方式,另稱作「群集構築」
(swarm tectonics)。
另已更深入的開始探討「3D 動畫」、「電腦輔助設計與製造CAD/CAM」、「虛擬實境VR」、「人
本研究以認知實驗 (cognitive experiment)、口語分析實驗 (protocol analysis)、工作現場觀察
(workplace observation)三種研究方法進行,「主要目標」是建立一個以實驗為基礎的構築理論模
型(a theoretic model),「次要目標」是提出數位媒材應用在構築過程中的比較與建議(implications)。
Sekler used examples to distinguish the relationship among structure, construction and
tectonics. Vallhonrat (1988), following Sekler’s lead, discussed the impact of tectonics on the
techniques of structure and construction. Moreover, Frampton, extending both his point of
view of critical regionalism and Semper's theory, stated that the “joint” in a structure is the
most essential and smallest elemental unit. He furthermore defined tectonics as the poetics of
construction. More recently, in order to address the digital process of design and construction,
Mitchell was the first to argue that the fundamental elements and processes of classic digital
construction are extremely different and even opposite. Nowadays, in the digital era,
computers also provide the possibility for new methods of production and solutions. With the
development and progress of technology, various new materials and production processes
have become available to us; taking into consideration that information is also a kind of
material. Leach examined the digital explorations of the UN Studio, FOA, dECOi, etc., and
distinguished static form in classic tectonics and dynamic formation in the emerging digital
This study will use three methodologies to approach the issue of digital tectonics: a cognitive
experiment, a protocol analysis and a workplace observation. The objectives of this study are
to acquire a theoretic model of tectonic process and its implications to digital media including
3D animation, CAD/CAM, VR and HCI.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2221-E009-156
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101367


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