Title: | 建築物空間移動行為模擬及視覺化展現 A Simulation and Visualization Model for Residents' Movements in a Building |
Authors: | 曾仁杰 DZENG REN-JYE 國立交通大學土木工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 移動行為;蒙地卡羅模擬;建物更新;視覺化;space use/movement behavior;Monte Carlo simulation;building remodeling;visualization |
Issue Date: | 2009 |
Abstract: | 台灣近幾年之營建市場已逐漸由新建市場轉趨整建市場,當建築物欲進行整建時,
再行輸入建物配置圖及空間功能分配(如會議室於200 室、營建管理於301 室上課)。
方式在視窗中顯示,以供調整空間配置,進行What-if 分析,以求配置之最適。 In recent years, the remodeling market has increased more than newly-built market in the Taiwan construction industry. When a building requires remodeling, the architect determines how residents use the building based on the interviews with the representatives of the building, and rearrange the space layout accordingly. However, the current industry still lacks tools that help transforming the residents’ use behavior to the most suitable space layout. As a result, unsuitable layout often brings complaints from the residents and cost due to the need of second remodeling. In the construction research, simulation has been used to analyze activity operations and find efficient resource allocations. In the industrial operations research, simulation has also been used to analyze the layout of plant production lines and resource allocations. However, we have not found any tool that allows users to analyze the residents’ movement behaviors and efficiencies in a building. This research uses university curriculum building as an example and will develop a tool that allows users to classify residents (e.g., freshman, senior girls), defines the movement of each type of residents (e.g., weekly classes, the probability distribution of being late or early for the scheduled class), and reads building floor plans and functions of each space unit. The tool will randomly generate residents’ movement data based on the Monte Carlo simulation and the given probability distributions. The output includes a report that shows the detailed information about how residents move among space units within the simulation time. The animated simulation result can also be viewed so that users may re-arrange the space layout and performs what-if analysis. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC98-2221-E009-171 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101853 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1909952&docId=316728 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |