標題: 台灣高科技新創公司成功營運模式之研究
The Successful Business Models of High-Tech Startups in Taiwan
作者: 虞孝成
關鍵字: 高科技新創公司;因子分析;群落分析;專家訪談;關鍵成功因素;High-Tech Startups;Factor Analysis;Cluster Analysis;Expert Interview;KeySuccess Factors
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 持續研發與創新是驅動科技企業發展的動力,根據世界經濟論壇(WEF)所發表的「2005-2006 年全 球競爭力報告」,台灣在象徵未來中長期經濟成長前景的「成長競爭力」(GCI)排名第五,居亞洲首 位,而台灣名列前茅主要是因為在科技領域的亮麗表現(排名全球第3 名)。相對於韓國政府集中國 家資源扶植大型企業集團,台灣經濟成長的主要支柱來自於靈活的中小企業。各種電子相關企業林 立,形成台灣半導體、資訊科技、顯示器…等高科技產業的群聚。尤其各種嶄露頭角的新創事業更是 高科技產業蓬勃發展的源頭活水。由於,創業成功與否乃產業茁壯的關鍵因素,在全球高科技產業至 境外尋求機會的影響趨勢之下,本研究探討近年來高科技新創公司的現況並分析其成功因素,以作為 高科技新創公司未來定位競爭策略的參考。 本文以近年來台灣科學園區與工研院開放實驗室所培育之高科技(包括光電、資訊、半導體、以及 精密機械產業)新創公司為主要的探討對象,歸納成功與失敗的經驗;以「外部環境之機會與威脅」、「內 部組織之優劣勢」、以及「企業經營策略」為分析構面,透過因子/群落分析與專家訪談歸納高科技新 創公司之關鍵成功因素,並比較台灣、大陸、以及全球高科技新創公司關鍵成功因素之異同。本研究 發現可作為新創公司學習之榜樣,協助台灣高科技創業發掘商機,以提昇在全球高科技市場之競爭力 與成功機率。
Due to global trend of offshore outsourcing, many Taiwanese companies have relocated their manufacturing to China and contries in south east Aria. This research explores the business opportunities and key success factors of Taiwanese next generation high-tech start-ups. According to 「The Global Competitiveness Report 2005-2006」 published by the World Economic Forum, the ranking of Taiwanese Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI) was the fifth in the world and the first in Asia because of the strengths of Taiwan』s high-tech industries (ranked the third in the world). Contrary to Korean-government backed conglomerate enterprises, Taiwanese SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) play an important role in Taiwan's continuing economic development. Many technological companies which are clustered on the western coast corridor between Taipei and Hsinchu provided the base of Taiwan's semi-conductor, personal computer, display, and other industries. The objective of this study is to analyze the key success factors of Taiwan』s high-tech start-ups, especially those in HsinChu Science Park areas and those incubated by the ITRI Open Labs (The winner of the AABI Incubator of the Year 2005). Entrepreneurs from start-up companies in optoelectronics, computer peripherals, bio-techs, electronics, telecommunications, chemicals, and precision instruments were interviewed to learn from their successes and failures, and their business models capitalize on their innovations. Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis methods were used to aggregate the key success factors in three dimensions: the 「External Influencing Factors Dimension」; the 「Internal Influencing Factors Dimension」; and the 「Business Strategy Dimension」. The findings of this research can help high-tech startups explore business opportunities in Taiwan and focus on their core competencies in order to develop competitiveness.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2416-H009-023-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102217
Appears in Collections:Research Plans