Title: 考量農業用水之水資源經理方案決策分析
Master Plan of Water Resources Management Considering Agriculture Water Demand
Authors: 張良正
Liang-C Chang
Keywords: 水資源經理方案決策分析;水資源調配模式;求償性序率規劃決策模式;Master plan of water resources management;GWSM;SPRDM
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 本計畫以石門水庫供水區域為研究區域,目前既有之北區水資源經理方案多在解決長期供水問題,然在全球氣候變遷影響下,短期極端缺水事件發生越來越頻繁,且隨著生活品質的提升及高科技產業的發展,對於用水的要求越來越嚴峻,短期缺水可能引發民怨或造成的經濟損失已不可忽視,因此有必要研擬短期應變方案以降低衝擊,故本計畫期能建立一可考量長期、短期及農業調度策略之整合性水資源經理決策模式,並建議可因應未來供水風險管理之最佳投資組合方案,以供決策之參考。將完成:

Shimen Reservoir is our study area. The current master plans for Northern Taiwan always focus on long-term strategies. Due to industry development, living quality enhancement and global climate change, the water requirement is more severe. The financial loss and popular grumble caused by short-term shortage can’t be ignored. The short-term strategies must be considered. However, long-term and short-term combination makes the analysis more complex and difficult. The study proposes a decision model based on stochastic programming with recourse (SPRDM) to solving this puzzle. The suggestion combination can be the reference for decision making. We will finish as follow:
1.Establish GWSM.
2.Analyze Shimen water supply area’s water source.
3.Establish SPRDM.
4.Optimal combination plan’s recommendation.
Gov't Doc #: 103農科-8.2.6-利-b1(6)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102479
Appears in Collections:Research Plans