標題: 以服務科學建構服務創新流程與系統之研究
The Research of Building Service Innovation Process and System by Service Science
作者: 徐作聖
關鍵字: 服務創新;服務科學;知識中介創新服務;外部資源;內部服務價值活動;Service Innovation;Service Science;Management;and Engineering (SSME);Innovation intensive service;Externalities;Value activities
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 人類社會的發展逐步邁向以服務為主的第三產業經濟時代。服務在主要的OECD 國家 佔其GDP 的比率都已竄升到70%以上,可見未來世界生產力的主要來源在於服務的產 值。隨著知識密集服務業的重要性日趨提高;現今產業發展之重點更是逐漸轉向以能掌 握市場需求的服務業。而新興高科技服務業正是以知識經濟為重點營運手段的產業,而 服務業具有不成比例擴充的特質,使得企業能「以小搏大」,快速獲得競爭優勢 本論文以服務創新及服務科學的角度,探討台灣高科技製造業之轉型服務業的服務 創新流程化與服務創新系統化,探討高科技服務業營運模式的之未來發展方向與可能 性。本文認為,若台灣服務業能有效整合台灣原有高科技製造業優勢、完整產業鏈、高 水準教育人才等服務經濟之關鍵因素,成為知識中介及整合知識的產業結構,將能產生 槓桿效果,促動台灣轉型成製造業與服務業均衡發展。 根據上述研究動機,本研究擬出下列三項具體目的: 1. 整合服務業,服務科學和服務創新等概念,提出產業知識中介服務創新模式,系統 化整合企業內外部資源; 2. 導入服務科學於企業知識中介服務創新模式,建構服務創新流程與服務創新系統。 3. 運用資訊熵理論之決策評估模式決定外部資源/內部價值活動投入組合,以結構量 化指標協助企業選擇最適投資組合,提供企業公司進行導入服務創新與服務創新支 援決策系統之實務參考依據。 整合上述原因,本研究將從策略管理的角度出發,從整合內外資源有效資源配置, 建立分析模式以協助企業的創新服務開發策略,用以協助台灣相關服務企業突破既有瓶 頸,建立自身在服務業的競爭優勢,加強企業競爭力。
Service industries have become the engine of growth for the Knowledge economy, companies engaged in every type of commercial activity - manufacturing, transportation, energy and utilities, retail and wholesale trade, finance and government - rely on the edge that services firms offer to be integral to their business success. The development of service industry becomes the key point for improving the income of common citizens In recent years government policy in Taiwan makers have begun to consider the potential for promoting services innovation as part of their economic development strategies. Such consideration has, in part, been driven by the growing contribution that services activities make to national and regional economies. It also reflects the emerging recognition that traditional policy measures such as R&D grants and technology transfer supports have been developed from a manufacturing perspective of the innovation process. Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME) is a term introduced by IBM to describe Services Sciences, an interdisciplinary approach to the study, design, and implementation of services systems – complex systems in which specific arrangements of people and technologies take actions that provide value for others. In this paper, SSME has been defined as the application of science, management, and engineering disciplines to tasks and improve service innovation process and service innovation decision support system that assist one organization to perform beneficially. This research is hoping to develop service innovation t effectively, shorter the time to market and also improve the service quality.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2410-H009-031
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102540