標題: 台灣無線定位系統服務業之策略分析
An Industry Analysis of Taiwan's Wireless Positioning Systems Services
作者: 張伯青
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 無線定位系統服務;定位基礎服務;全球衛星定位系統;知識密集型服務業;創新密集服務平台;服務價值活動;外部資源;Wireless Positioning Systems Services;Location Based Service(LBS);Global Positioning System(GPS);Knowledge Intensive Business Service (KIBS);Innovation Intensive Service (IIS);Core Competence;Externalities
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 無線定位系統包含定位基礎服務、全球衛星定位系統等應用,在導入時需要專業的系統整合服務商,在此產業中服務佔有重要的角色,同時具備有專業知識涵量高、技術複雜度高、跨領域整合度高的知識密集型服務業特性,本研究採用創新密集服務平台,並以台灣無線定位系統整合服務業為實證研究對象,驗證此模式之可行性。 本研究以創新密集服務平台為分析架構,並以產業層級的服務價值活動、外部資源兩大主體為分析構面,配合無線定位系統的產業特性,分別以五種創新類型作為縱軸及四種客製化程度作為橫軸,架構出無線定位系統整合服務業的經營型態,並分析討論目前的策略定位與未來產業策略走向。根據文獻分析結果,研究方法則採用專家訪談與問卷調查,針對服務價值活動與外部資源的關鍵成功因素,進行統計分析。 研究結果顯示,台灣發展之無線定位系統整合服務業,目前營運的型態分為消費大眾、特別利基、商業和工業市場,其分別以強調產品創新的一般型服務、專屬型服務、選擇型及特定型服務為主;未來(5∼7年)的策略走向則分別朝向強調市場創新的一般型服務、強調市場創新的選擇型服務、強調流程創新的選擇型及特定型服務為主。本研究建議相關產業將產業資源優先發展於上述之策略定位,期以最有效率的方式提升台灣無線定位系統產業之競爭力。
The Wireless Positioning Systems Services include many application fields of GPS and LBS. It need experienced system integrated companies while implementing this system, that is to say, the service will be the key role in this field. The characteristics of this service with high technical complexity and high fields integration fit to the Knowledge Intensive Business Service system. This thesis uses the Innovation Intensive Service (IIS) model as a framework and study the Taiwan's Wireless Positioning Systems Services using this model. This study uses the Innovation Intensive Service (IIS) model as a framework and the analyze the service value activities and externalities at the industrial level of the Wireless Positioning Systems Services. We use the characteristics of IIS matrix that contains 4 service packages and 5 innovation fields to realize and discuss the strategic position and the trend of Wireless Positioning Systems Services industry. According to the literature review, the research methods include expert interview、general survey and statistics analysis for the KSF of service value activities and externalities. The business models of Taiwan's Wireless Positioning Systems Services include consumer market、niche market and businees and industrial market. Results of the case study show that the present positions are at the Generic、Unique and Selective and Restricted Service Package of Product Innovation seperately. The future trends are at the Generic、Selective Service Package of Market Innovation and Selective and Restricted Service Package of Process Innovation seperately. We recommend that the relative companies should allocate resources in these strategy positions preferentially to enhance the competitive advantages of Taiwan's Wireless Positioning Systems Services industry.


  1. 550503.pdf
  2. 550504.pdf

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