標題: 中港溪流域客家族群產業經濟
Hakka's Ethnic Economy in Jhong Gang River
作者: 潘美玲
Pan, Mei-Lin
關鍵字: 經濟社會學;族群經濟比較研究;台灣社會經濟發展;歷史社會學;econmic sociology;ethnic economy comparative studies;Taiwan's social and economic development;Historical sociology
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究的目的是針對中港溪流域的客家產業經濟變遷,進行從移墾到當代的跨時段,與多層面的經濟分析,針對客家產業經濟歷史分析,細緻化客家產業經營的經濟過程,並從與鳳山、頭前、和後龍溪等流域本群組子計畫的研究成果加以系統性地比較,從變遷的歷程中找出變遷的條件與持續的機制,從而回應客家族群經濟的相關議題。
This research fouced on the changes of Hakka's industrial economy in the Jhong Gang River from the first beginning of Han immigrants to the present. This is the first-year research of a three-year project. The major issue is on the survival and existence of Hakka immigrants in this area and the history and geography of developing of economic space. The discussion will be including the relation between ecology and economic life, the formation of market system, emergence of local industry, and ethnic relations between economic exchange.
官方說明文件#: 97-0399-05-0301-09
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102666
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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