作者: FAN, Shih-Kang
Hsu, Ching-Hsiang
Chiu, Cheng-Pu
Mo, Chi-Neng
Chiang, Mei-Tsao
公開日期: 16-九月-2010
摘要: A bubbleless packaging method is provided. The method is applicable to package a display element. In the method, firstly, a first substrate and a first protective layer are provided. The first protective layer is formed on the first substrate. Then, a second substrate and a second protective layer are provided. The second protective layer is formed on the second substrate. Then, a plasma treatment is performed on surfaces of the first protective layer and the second protective layer. Then, the first substrate and the second substrate are dipped into a solution after the plasma treatment. Then, the first substrate and the second substrate are laminated in the solution, wherein the first protective layer faces the second protective layer. Finally, the first substrate and the second substrate are taken out from the solution.
官方說明文件#: B32B037/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105384
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20100230044


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