標題: 低寄生旋轉二維平面式定位平台之設計與研究
Design and Study of a 2-DOF Planar Positioning Stage with Low Parasitic Rotation
作者: 林宏叡
Lin, Hung-Ruei
Hung, Shao-Kang
關鍵字: 寄生旋轉;撓性機構;二維平台;parasitic rotation;flexure mechanism;planar positioner
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本論文研究目標是設計並研究一低寄生旋轉的二維定位平台,機構設計上利用割痕式撓性接頭,採並聯、對稱的配置作為導引方式,使定位平台具有低寄生旋轉的特性,並以兩組壓電致動器的耦合同動方式使定位平台可以產生X、Y方向的運動。 設計時使用ANSYS有限元素分析軟體做初步的模擬,先建立壓電致動器的模型,以模擬壓電致動器推動定位平台時產生的運動方式、位移、及應力等,並分析撓性接頭的幾何尺寸參數,以決定定位平台的各項設計參數。實驗的部分使用雷射位移感測器量測位移,對定位平台施以回授控制,並將雷射光源和四象限位移感測器搭配,以光槓桿原理量測定位平台的寄生旋轉角度,平台在100 μm的行程時,偏擺角為0.48弧秒。
The goal of this research is to design and study a novel 2-DOF planar positioning stage with low parasitic rotation. Flexure hinges are used as guiding mechanisms. Low parasitic rotation of the positioning stage is achieved by the parallel and symmetric configuration of the guiding mechanisms. Finite element method is used to analyze initial design. Models of piezoelectric actuators, flexure hinges, and the positioning stage are established to verify the design variables, displacement, and equivalent stress. Finally, an optical-lever experiment is arranged to measure the parasitic rotation of the positioning stage. The result of parasitic rotation is 0.48 arc sec under the stroke of 100 μm.
Appears in Collections:Thesis