標題: 一貫道的經典詮釋與社會實踐:以基礎忠恕組為例
Religious Interpretation of the Classics and the Social Practice of I-Kuan Tao:Examples of Great Tao Foundation
作者: 朱秀芳
Chu, Hsiu-Fang
關鍵字: 一貫道;儒家;無生老母;三教合一;I-Kuan Tao;Confucianism;Eternal Unborn Mother;syncretism of three religions
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 摘要 本文旨在檢視當代一貫道六十多年來在台灣的發展,它如何在政治壓迫、「邪教」包袱的社會環境中,仍能堅守傳統儒家的傳道理念?如何能夠因時制宜、通權達變地活用傳道方法以拓展道務?如何在西方文化的強大影響下,面臨現代化、理性化、世俗化的文化環伺,始終將儒家溫恭良儉讓、修齊治平、內聖外王之學,具體地躬行實踐? 本文以一貫道基礎忠恕組的經典詮釋與社會實踐為研究主軸,對其做深入有致地探究與爬梳,藉以研究一貫道基礎忠恕組的經典探析與一貫道信徒如何落實社會關懷的生活實踐。經典詮釋部分以《學庸淺言新註》為分析文本,文中藉由《學庸淺言新註》的文本分析,以「對比」、「體驗」等方法,在「道」的「本」與「非本」意涵闡釋中,表達一貫道「理、氣、象三天說」、「三期末刼」、「道刼並降」、「三曹普渡」的教義思想,並以「道/教」、「先天/後天」、「覺/迷」的教義差異概念論述,探討一貫道基礎忠恕組求道得道以溯本還原的生命關懷,藉以彰顯一貫道基礎忠恕組經典詮釋的特殊面向。 社會實踐部分以全真道院忠恕道場辦理的活動為主,例如道德課程、社會公益活動的參與、弱勢關懷及急難救助等,分別探討一貫道基礎忠恕組信徒求道得道以溯本還原的生命關懷,以及在基礎忠恕組大家長—張老前人培成大德「道本一體,理無二致」的精神理念指引中,以儒家「人飢己飢,人溺己溺」的仁愛思想,佛家慈悲為懷的行動實踐,落實〈道之宗旨〉的社會關懷。 關鍵詞:一貫道、儒家、無生老母、三教合一
Abstract This thesis aims to examine the development of the I-Kuan Tao in the recent sixty years in Taiwan. The thesis studies how the I-Kuan Tao sticks to its preaching philosophy of traditional Confucianism in the social environment of the political oppression and cult burden, how it expands the Tao affairs by making flexible use of preaching methods according to circumstances, and how it fulfills concretely the Confucianism such as gentleness, respect, kindness, thriftiness, comity, personal cultivation, family regulation, country administration, self-communion, and world peace, under the strong influence of western cultures, while facing the cultural surrounding of modernization, rationalization, and secularization. The thesis studies the religious interpretation and social practice of the Great Tao Foundation of the I-Kuan Tao in order to investigate and analyze the religion of the Great Tao Foundation of the I-Kuan Tao and how the believers fulfill the life practice of the social care. The religious interpretation is based on “A New Elementary Introduction of the Great Learning and the Golden Mean”. The thesis analyzes the text of “A New Elementary Introduction of the Great Learning and the Golden Mean” and utilizes ‘comparison’ and ‘experience’ methods to interpret the ‘essential’ and ‘non-essential’ of the Tao, express the doctrine of the Tao, describe the doctrinal differences, and discuss the life care spirit of pursuing the Tao, learning the Tao, finding the essence of the Great Tao Foundation of the I-Kuan Tao so as to manifest the special aspect of the religious interpretation of the Great Tao Foundation of the I-Kuan Tao. The study of the social practice in the thesis is based on the activities of the Great Tao Foundation of the I-Kuan Tao, such as moral courses, public welfare activities, disadvantaged care, and misfortune help, and so on. The thesis discusses the life care spirit of pursuing the Tao, learning the Tao, finding the essence of the Great Tao Foundation of the I-Kuan Tao. The thesis also studies how the Great Tao Foundation of the I-Kuan Tao fulfills the charity thought of the Confucianism and the Buddhist compassion and carries out the social care of the Tao. Keywords: I-Kuan Tao, Confucianism, Eternal Unborn Mother, syncretism of three religions  
Appears in Collections:Thesis