標題: 新進者會成為台灣晶圓代工產業的威脅嗎 ? 以三星電子為例
Will New Entrants Be Threats to Taiwan Semiconductor Industry ? A Case Study of Samsung
作者: 林煜琛
Lin , Yu-Shen
Chu, Po-Young
關鍵字: 台積電;三星電子;晶圓代工;後摩爾定律;TSMC;Samsung Electronics;Foundry;Post Moore’s Law
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 三星這個全球最大電子廠商,在記憶體、電視、面板等多項產品都已是市占率全球第一,下一個目標直指晶圓代工產業。而台積電在台灣晶圓代工的市占率大約七成,可以相當程度的代表著台灣的晶圓代工產業。因此,本研究試圖透過對三星及台積電的商業模式、過去及現在策略的研究,以及未來晶圓代工產業的趨勢,來推論兩家公司之競爭力,並提出建議以為相關業界之參考。 本研究發現,台積電目前仍較具競爭優勢。因為三星的優勢在於經濟規模製造,透過標準化大量生產讓成本大幅降低,取得價格優勢;而晶圓代工產業是客製化服務,客戶要求的是少量多樣,台積電深耕多年,早已練就一身隨客戶要求而彈性調配產能的功力。再者,台積電與上下游合作廠商合組「台積大聯盟」,透過所建構的「設計製造生態系統」及新的商業模式來牢牢綁住客戶,並強調不會與客戶競爭,而是和客戶攜手創造雙贏,對比三星是整合元件製造廠(IDM),跟客戶間既是代工者亦是競爭者的關係,讓台積電更受客戶的信任。
Samsung, the biggest electronics manufacturer of the world leading in memory, television, panels and other products, is focusing on next target – foundry business. Will Samsung beat TSMC from now on? This study attempts to describe the competitiveness of Samsung and TSMC by analyzing their business models, past and current strategies, along with the trend of foundry industry. This study concludes that Samsung would not pose a threat to TSMC in the short-term period. Samsung has advantages in batch production such as memory. However, foundry business is pursuing a customized service with small-volume large-variety production. TSMC has more competitive advantages in this field. Moreover, Samsung, an IDM company, is not only a foundry maker but also a competitor to its customers. TSMC is more trusted by customers because TSMC is dedicated to being a foundry maker without competing with its customers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis