標題: 適地性服務對消費者至連鎖咖啡店消費意願之研究
The Influence of the Location-based Service on Purchase Intention at the Coffee Chain Store - The Case of Taipei City Residents
作者: 王媛
Wang, Yuan
Chiang, Chi
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 適地性服務;連鎖咖啡店;商店形象;消費意願;Location-based services;coffee chain store;store image;purchase intention
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 隨著智慧型手機與行動上網日趨普及,人們取得訊息的方式已逐漸改變,使用行動網路漸漸成為獲得資訊的主要來源,這樣的發展促進了適地性服務(Location-based services)應用範圍。 在這個資訊爆炸的時代,人們常常花過多的時間去整裡出需要的資訊,然而透過適地性服務,人們可以在社群、娛樂、餐飲、購物等多種生活層面,找到與自己地裡位置所相關的資訊,進而篩選出最合適與即時的資訊,以減少搜尋時間成本。透過這種技術,商家也更能精準掌握消費者位置、接觸更具潛力之消費者,因此適地性服務已成為行銷手法上的新趨勢。 此外,我國餐飲業發展迅速,其中連鎖咖啡店持續成長,各品牌競爭越來越激烈,制定良好的策略也更為重要。本研究將針對連鎖咖啡店進行研究,瞭解適地性服務是否會影響臺北市居民的消費意願,研究以線上族群為調查對象,總計回收485份有效問卷進行統計分析,瞭解臺北市居民透過適地性服務的干擾對前往連鎖咖啡店的消費意願是否有正向關係存在。 研究結果發現:適地性服務的「相關性」、「可靠性」、「娛樂性」、「獎勵」皆對臺北市居民前往連鎖咖啡店的「消費意願」呈正相關,其中娛樂性、獎勵之影響大於相關性、可靠性,可得知適地性服務除基本功能與性能外,若加入娛樂、優惠等元素,更能提升消費意願。另外,不同人口統計變數的消費者對於消費動機、咖啡店形象亦有顯著差異,因此本研究建議連鎖咖啡店,可針對不同消費族群制定不同的咖啡店形象改善策略,並結合適地性服務行銷,進而提升消費者之消費意願。
With the development of smart phone and mobile internet, people has changed the way to acquire information. The development promotes the applied field of location-based services more extensively. In the generation of information explosion, people usually spend too much time finding out what they need. Location-based services can make people find the related information according to their position in many aspects of life, such as social, entertainment, catering, shopping. Then they can filter out the most suitable and immediate information. By this technology, businesses can contact consumers who are more potential and provide more convenient service. So Location-based services has become a new trend on the Marketing tactics. Besides, with the coffee chain store market competes intensely, it’s more and more important to develop right strategies. The study takes that Taipei city residents at the coffee chain store for investigation to discuss the influence of Location-based services towards purchase intention. The sample of this research is from network and 485 efficient questionnaires were received. The study has made conclusions that the correlation, reliability, entertainment and reward of Location-based services are positively correlated with purchase intention. Besides, different demographic has differences in consumer motivation and the image of coffee store. The study provides some suggestions for the supervisor of coffee chain store in managing and marketing strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis