Title: 商管知識的圖譜式整合:人物+案例+雜誌
Integration of Business Knowledge by Maps: Masters + Cases + Magazines
Authors: 吳宜軒
Keywords: 圖譜;知識管理;海馬迴記憶理論;圖像記憶;Maps;Knowledge Management;Hippocampus Memory Rules;Graphic memory
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究基於海馬迴的記憶理論,透過圖譜法整合商管領域之通用知識,如人物(管理學家、經濟學家、企業家)、案例(哈佛商業評論、TED)、雜誌(天下、遠見、30)。並設計出一知識管理平臺MBA NET,把各類知識在相似框架下以圖譜呈現,依需求串聯組合之,以達到快讀、快秀、快編、快用的效益。
Based on the concepts of hippocampus memory rules, this study uses maps to integrate common knowledge used in MBA. Such MBA knowledge contains three categories: People (Management scholars, Economics scholars, CEOs), Cases (HBR cases and TED talks), and Magazines(Common Wealth Magazines, Global Views Monthly Magazines,30 Magazines). By transforming these MBA knowledge into maps with similar frames, a user can combine interesting issues flexibly, thus to read, to show, to edit, and to apply MBA knowledge effectively.
Appears in Collections:Thesis