標題: 以AHP探討面板業員工績效提升要素-以群創為例
Applying AHP to Explore the Key Factors of Employee’s Performance Improvement of TFT-LCD Industry – A Case Study of Innolux
作者: 陳建隆
Chen, Chien-Lung
Huang, Shih-Ping
Wang, Chih-Hsuan
關鍵字: 層級分析法;人力資源管理;績效管理;績效提升;組織管理;AHP;Human Resource Management;Performance Management;Performance Improvement;Organization Management
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 中文摘要 臺灣面板業自1990年代開始發展,早期是和日本、韓國競爭,最近這幾年隨著中國政策性的扶植面板產業,競爭更加白熱化。 臺灣在這三年靠著產品和技術差異化,維持競爭力,這些都是依靠優秀的專業人才,對產業變化靈活應對,保持創新能力,維持高執行力和快速反應。 本研究選擇臺灣面板產業的群創來探討,藉由層級分析法AHP建構員工績效提升要素,希望達到以下幾個目的: 1.探討人力資源管理項目中與績效管理相關之理論內涵。 2.探討組織理論與管理項目中與績效管理相關之理論內涵。 3.以AHP法對群創員工進行實證調查,了解員工績效提升要素的重要性和發展順序,提供給管理者做決策時參考。 4.本研究問卷對象內含前統寶、奇美、群創員工,分析對績效提升要素的認知差異性,提供給管理者做參考。
Abstract Taiwan's TFT-LCD industry developed since the 1990s, competed with Japan and South Korea in early periods, in recent years, because of China's policy to support local TFT-LCD industry, competition is more intense. Taiwan keep competitive by the product and technical differences in the past three years, they are relying on the outstanding professionals, to respond flexibly to changes in the industry, maintaining innovation ability, to maintain high execution and rapid response. This paper explored Taiwan's TFT-LCD industry- Innolux, applying AHP to build the key factors of employee's performance improvement, and to achieve the following purposes: 1. Discussed with the theory of human resources management items related to performance management. 2. Discussed with the theory of organization management items related to the performance management . 3.To investigate the Innolux employees by AHP, understand the importance of employee performance improvement and development priority,provided for reference when managers make decisions. 4. The study questionnaire include of TPO, CMO, Innolux staff, analysis the features of cognitive differences of performance improvement, provided to managers for reference.