Title: 應用層級分析法探討TFT-LCD廠業務部門績效指標
Applying AHP to Investigate Performance Evaluation Indicators for Sales Departments in a TFT-LCD Manufacturing Company
Authors: 何宜蓁
Ho, Yi-Tzen
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 層級分析法;業務部門;績效衡量指標;AHP;TFT-LCD;Sales Departments;Performance Evaluation Indicators
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本研究利用層級分析法,希望透過數據化分析,找出TFT-LCD廠業務部門績效評選之關鍵指標,作為後續部門績效評核之參考依據,並可將內部的關鍵績效指標項目與客戶之實際需求結合,有效地強化部門管理、維持部門績效表現水平、並提高顧客滿意度。本研究經由相關文獻初分析建立構面與衡量指標,經由專家訪談及衡量指標重要度比較確立AHP評選衡量指標層級架構,透過問卷調查,整理業界專家針對各項評量指標之重要性程度成對比較,接著進行檢定及分析,最後產生各項衡量指標之權重排名。 本研究結果顯示,TFT-LCD廠業部部門績效衡量五個構面中,以「執行力」之重要程度最高,其次為「客戶關係管理」。在23個衡量指標中,最為專家重視之前八名衡量指標分別為:「應變處理能力」、「客戶關係」、「業績達成」、「客戶及專案掌握度」、「工作配合度」、「服務及資訊準確」、「理解、表達與溝通能力」以及「溝通協調能力」,以上前八名的指標其重要程度占總權重比率達到54.51%。期望本研究之研究結果可供爾後業務部門建立績效評核指標之參考。
This study applies Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)to select key performance indicators for sales departments in a TFT-LCD manufacturing company. The main purpose of this research is to serve customer more effectively and enhance customer satisfaction. The hierarchy structure was established by literature review and expert’s advice. Through verifying and analyzing questionnaires, the ranking of the selected dimensions and criteria were developed. The result shows that the most important dimension of sales department is “Execution”, and the second is “Customer Relationship Management”. Among 23 selected criteria, the top eight critical performance indicators are Crisis Response Ability, Customer Relationship, Reaching Sales Target, Customer and projects control ability, Cooperation Ability, Service and integrity of information, Comprehensive and expression skills and Communication skills. The weights if theses 8 indicators are up to 54.51%. This research determines several key indicators and the result is suitable for enterprises to adopt in practice. Based on judgments from TFT-LCD industry experts, sales departments can reorganize priorities, rearrange resources and efforts to fulfill customer’s expectations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363122
Appears in Collections:Thesis