標題: 整合伺服馬達、SSCNET、及Ethernet以實現飛剪製程之遠端監控系統
Integration of Servo Motors, SSCNET, and Ethernet to realize the Remote Monitoring/Control System for Flying Shear Procedures
作者: 江志堅
Chiang, Chih-Chien
Hsu, Pau-Lo
關鍵字: 電子凸輪;可程式控制器;飛剪;伺服馬達;串列式伺服馬達控制;資料蒐集與監控系統;electronic cam;programmable logic controllers, PLC;flying shear;servo motor;supervisor control and data acquisition, SCADA;OPC server;PID
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究將以工控業界常用的可程式控制器(programmable logic controllers, PLC)、伺服驅動器、伺服馬達,快速建立一套穩定可靠的伺服運動控制平台。經由可程式控制器的編程,與三菱公司的SSCNET Ⅲ/H Interface軸卡的設定,對伺服驅動器下達位置及速度的控制命令,使伺服馬達完成對應的運動控制。然後,再將控制結果透過SSCNET Ⅲ/H Interface回饋至可程式控制器。接下來,可程式控制器藉由乙太網路及電腦網路與週邊裝置之OPC (OLE for process control) Server建立與遠端電腦進行網路連線,擷取可程式控制器內所蒐集到相關伺服控制回饋資料,並在遠端電腦執行以資料蒐集與監控系統(supervisor control and data acquisition, SCADA)發展軟體所設計出的遠端監控軟體。當伺服控制誤差過大或任何異常發生時,提供遠端維修人員進行分析與判別原因,再藉由此監控軟體進行遠端調整伺服參數。 研究中針對伺服馬達於空載時,透過遠端監控軟體,進行各種轉速狀況下偏差計數器的比較分析。然後,於重載零轉速狀況下,觀察實際位置的振盪幅度,並進行遠端調校位置與速度的增益,以降低重載狀況下的振盪幅度。最後利用以上的控制架構,並結合SSCNET Ⅲ/H Interface軸卡內的電子凸輪功能,設計出一套自動化飛剪控制系統,以取代傳統的專用飛剪控制器。我們在各種設定的裁切長度狀況下,分析研究電子凸輪生成曲線,並設計出一套研究方法透過遠端監控軟體進行即時的監視與分析,完成飛剪控制精度的量測。實驗結果顯示,飛剪控制系統的實際裁切長度誤差平均值最大為0.0089mm,足以滿足一般裁切製程的0.1mm精度要求。
This study has successfully integrated the programmable logic controller (PLC), servo motors, and a Mitsubishi SSCNET Ⅲ/H Interface axis card for the flying shear procedures. By connecting the PLC, Ethernet, and the OLE for process control (OPC) server network with a remote computer, information of servo motors can be efficiently transmitted to the remote computer under the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system with on-line monitoring and control to present the motor status in real time. The present experiments on servo motors were tested under loading to tune both the position-loop gain and the speed-loop gain. Results indicate that increasing the positional and velocity control gains can improve motion accuracy measured from the developed SCADA system. Finally, after applying the electronic cam function in the SSCNET Ⅲ/H Interface card, experimental results indicate that the developed system renders satisfactory performance of the flying shear procedures. The remote control/monitoring structure presented in this thesis can be systematically extended to other industrial applications. Experimental results show that the cutting length error in the flying shear control system leads to the maximum 0.0089mm which ideally meets the cutting process accuracy with 0.1mm.